Tuesday 22nd December 2009
All of our guest bloggers have been released to spend time with their families and friends, which leaves me in the hot seat for today!
So I have found for you a short blog post from a cutesy little website called redhairandfreckles.net I hope you enjoy it.
Aside from retaining the cleanliness of your pillowcases, it is important to take off all makeup before going to sleep because it promotes better skin health as well.
According to dermatologists, sleeping with eye makeup and foundation on could cause zits and clog skin pores thus irritating the skin further. Also, the natural process of shedding skin is blocked by the ingredients of the makeup. This makes skin look dull when you wake up.
Skin experts added that it is best to spend a few minutes of your time every evening to seriously clean your skin without rushing through the ritual. Spend some time to check on the mirror if all the makeup has been removed.
One important aspect to check is your eye makeup. It’s really tricky to get rid of the entire substance in a quick wash so make sure that check the eyelashes for excess makeup.
Dermatologists said that if you rub your eyes before to sleep and discover that your eye suddenly feels itchy, chances are that they are still elements stuck in there.
In order to get rid of makeup, just use gentle cleanser or liquid soap and rinse with water.
See you again tomorrow!
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