Thursday, September 17, 2009

Why You Should Be Drinking Chamomile Tea.

Thursday 17th September 2009

I discovered the benefits of chamomile tea for myself almost eight months ago. I had reached a pretty low point in my life where I was living under a cloud of anxiety, constantly worrying about what might happen if.

Not liking the idea of prescribed anti depressants, I searched the Internet for a herbal remedy that would help me feel calm, that had very little or no side effects, and something that would help me to sleep.

With it's reputation for aiding sleep, chamomile tea was my first choice and I haven't looked back since.

A flowering plant that descends from the daisy family, chamomile actually does much more than aid sleep. It seems to be one of those cure all remedies, but this is one that actually works.

Chamomile acts as a mild sedative, helping to relax the muscles in the brain, but it is also used to treat depression, anxiety and stress. This muscle relaxing attribute also helps combat menstrual cramps, headaches, nausea and can relieve mild to moderate pain as well as excess gas!

As a cumulative treatment, chamomile tea works from the moment you start drinking it, and if you drink it over a long period of time, the cumulative effect can give your immune system a real boost.

Remember what I just said about anti oxidants and essential oils? Well, when you have brewed your lovely cup of chamomile tea, don't throw the tea bag in the bin.


Well these essential oils and anti oxidants also help with skin irritations. So, if you have managed to burn yourself today, or you have been bitten by an insect, take the burning sensation away by compressing your cooled tea bag on the affected area. You can also do the same thing for treating your acne or eczema. Another (and my favorite) way to use the cooled tea bags is as an eye bag treatment. I know it sounds crazy, but if you go to bed with a wet and cold chamomile tea bag on each eye, it really does help reduce the appearance of those horrible dark under eye circles.

While I was doing my initial research into chamomile tea, I couldn't find anyone who was willing to tell me how it tasted. So, let me tell you when I say the two words 'acquired taste' that is exactly what I mean. The first few cups tasted dreadful and were washed down with some dry bread in an attempt to make the taste go away. However after a week or two I grew to like it, and now I think it tastes like good healthy stuff.

Now, please be aware that you should not drink chamomile tea if you are pregnant (as it can stimulate abortion) or if you are taking any blood thinning medications (as chamomile naturally contains the blood thinning substance, coumarin.

If you are sitting at home or work at the moment and you are feeling stressed, you now have a great reason to take a break, grab yourself a cup of chamomile tea and let it weave it's magic.

Any questions? Ask them now.


M. Hasim said...

Is it safe to give it to babies and toddlers?

Fay on 21 September 2009 at 19:33 said...

Well, I give it to my 18 month old daughter now and again. It is a good remedy for trapped wind.

I've not found any evidence to suggest chamomile tea is harmful to young children, but please do consult your medical professional.

Anonymous said...

Oddly enough, I actually never needed to acquire the taste of chamomile tea. I loved the first cup of tea. Of course, I was accustomed to unflavored green tea at that point, so that might have something to do with it.

At some point, though, I'm going to have to accustom myself to iced tea so that I'll keep drinking the stuff during the summer. I'm really not looking forward to that. :P

Fay on 9 October 2009 at 19:05 said...

I've never had chamomile tea iced before, I'm sure it cannot be that bad.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment. :)


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