Friday, February 12, 2010

Something For The Weekend 20

Friday 12th February 2010

Have I ever told you that my most favorite piece of gym equipment is the Classic 65cm Gym Ball ? No...well it is. Why? well it is really inexpensive (best price 9.99), easy to use, fun to use, and it is really good at helping you build up your core and transform your posture and tummy area.

I have had my gym ball for well over two years, I'm sitting on it right now and just using it as a desk chair had helped me better the way I sit at my computer. It has also helped me relieve lower back pain during my pregnancy and I have even used it as a foot stool when I twisted my ankle a while back.

Apart from the practicalities that I have already mentioned here, it is a great piece of keep fit equipment and if you need a little help then I have found this great DVD Gym Ball Workout for Beginners (best price 4.73).

Website Of The Week

One day I plan to write an article on the importance of keeping your Brain active. That is why this weekend, if you have a little spare time, I would like you to pay a visit to this great little website I found that will help you to train your brain with a number of fun games.

Scientific Brain Training from Luminosity can help to improve your attention span, memory and processing speed to help keep your brain in tip top condition. Right now you can get yourself a Free Trial. So what are you waiting for?

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my posts this week. Feel free to leave your comments, they are always appreciated, and I will be back here again on Monday talking about contraception...again!



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