Friday, April 30, 2010

Treatments Options For Spider Veins

Friday 30th April 2010

What are the options for spider vein treatment?

Sclerotherapy is the 'gold standard' for eliminating spider veins and small reticular leg veins. Multiple injections of a sclerosing agent are injected into the abnormal red, blue or purple spider veins of the involved leg. Injecting the unwanted veins with the sclerosing solution causes the target vein to immediately shrink, and then dissolve over a period of weeks as the body naturally resorbs the treated vein. The FDA has recently approved the sclerosing agent, polidocanol, for treatment of spider veins. Injection of this drug is painless and it has a good safety profile.

Prescription compression stockings should be worn for one week after treatment to ensure a successful outcome. Patients are encouraged to walk at least thirty minutes every day during that time. The patient usually requires at least 2-3 treatment sessions separated by several weeks to significantly improve the appearance of their legs.

Are there side effects?

Side effects of treatment may include pain and swelling of the leg for a few days after injection. Rarely, brown discoloration over the vein or scarring may occur. In women taking estrogen-containing drugs, the formation of tiny, new blood vessels in the treated area can occur within a month after treatment but this usually resolves spontaneously by 6 months. Cosmetic lasers can be used to treat these tiny vessels.

Can laser be used to treat spider veins?

For smaller spiders, laser therapy may be used with excellent results. Nd YAG lasers can erase these veins with little or no darkening of the skin, and compression stockings are not required to be worn after the procedure. More than one treatment session may be necessary to completely clear your veins.

Will my spider veins return?

Usually the treated veins do not return. However, if you suffer from underlying venous hypertension or varicose veins, new spider veins may open up in the same areas after successful treatment. If this occurs, you should see a specialist in venous disorders, who will examine your legs with duplex ultrasound. This test can determine if your deeper veins are involved. If they are, correction of the underlying problem may eliminate these smaller veins.

Robin Fleck, M.D is a double-board certified dermatologist and internist, recognized by the American Board of Dermatology and the American Board of Internal Medicine.

She is the founder and Medical Director of Vein Specialties in Prescott, Arizona and is a member of the American College of Phlebology and the American Venous Forum.

For more information about venous disorders visit our website at

Article Source:,_M.D.

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

HRT - The Risks And Benefits

Thursday 29th April 2010

Hormone replacement therapy is commonly prescribed in women with severe menopausal symptoms. HRTs also have been found to have beneficial effects on osteoporosis, coronary heart disease and colorectal cancer, and this has led many women to also use them in the hope of reducing their risks of these conditions.

However, in recent years, the use of HRTs have dropped significantly due to the publication of the findings of the Women's Health Initiative Study.

The Women's Health Initiative (WHI) Study is the largest randomised controlled trial on one combination of HRTs. Conjugated equine estrogen 0.625mg plus medroxyprogesterone acetate 2.5 mg was compared against a placebo in 16,608 healthy postmenopausal women aged between 50 to 79 years, with an intact uterus from 40 North American centres over a planned 8.5 years. One of the study's components examined the role of HRT in the prevention of major degenerative diseases (cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and cancer).

This component of the WHI Study was stopped prematurely on 31st May 2002, after 5.2 years by the data and safety monitoring board, due to an increased risk of invasive breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, strokes and pulmonary embolism. Reduction of risks were observed in endometrial cancer, hip fractures and colorectal cancers. Since the overall health risks exceeded the benefits, it was concluded that combined estrogen-progesterone is probably only suitable for short term treatment of early menopausal women with significant menopausal symptoms. In general, menopausal symptoms will resolve within 5 years spontaneously.

HRT & Menopausal Symptoms:

HRT is effective in the treatment of menopausal symptoms (in particular, vasomotor symptoms, vaginal dryness and urinary symptoms), thus improving the quality of life in women who suffer from significant symptoms.

HRT & Osteoporosis:

HRT reduces the risk of osteoporosis and its subsequent fractures. However, in view of the associated risks of HRT, alternatives such as bisphosphonates should be used instead.

HRT & Colorectal Cancer:

HRT reduces the incidence of colorectal cancer, however, combination HRT should not be used sole for this purpose due to its associated long term risks.

HRT & Coronary Heart Disease:

Current evidence has not demonstrated any benefit in use of HRT in reducing the risk of coronary heart disease.

HRT & Dementia:

There is no evidence to suggest that HRT improves cognition or protects against dementia.

HRT & Breast Cancer:

Long term HRT use (more than 4 years) is associated with a small but significant increase in risk of invasive breast cancer. The breast mammographic changes on that occur with HRT use may also hinder the diagnosis of breast cancer.

HRT & Endometrial Cancer:

Combination HRT has been shown to reduce the risk of endometrial cancer.

HRT, Deep Vein Thrombosis & Pulmonary Embolism:

Combination HRT use has been associated with significantly increased risk of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

HRT & Stroke:

Combination HRT use has been associated with a small increase in ischaemic strokes.

Dr Ang C.D. is has been in medical practice for over 12 years. He graduated with an M.B.B.S. degree from the National University of Singapore in 1997 and subsequently completed his post-graduate diploma in Family Medicine.

He has had training in Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Orthopaedic Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Neurosurgery, General Surgery, Colorectal Surgery and Urology.

Dr Ang currently practices in a family clinic in Singapore, seeing a good mix of paediatric, adult and geriatric patients.

With the goal of providing local and international patients with a resource for specialist care in Singapore, Dr Ang has founded, a Web Directory of Specialists in Private Practice in Singapore.

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Coping With General Anxiety Disorder

Wednesday 28th April 2010

Worrying about that presentation at work next week? Feeling anxious about an upcoming medical exam? Stressing about your kids' welfare? Worries are part and parcel of leading a busy life in this modern, hectic world, but when the worries take over and become something more serious like General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), they can impact on your health and happiness. Approximately 6.8 million American adults suffer from General Anxiety Disorder and some believe that number is increasing each year.

So what is General Anxiety Disorder?
It is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by an excessive, uncontrollable and often irrational worry about everyday things that is disproportionate to the actual source of worry. As well as the irrational worries about wealth, health and the well-being of family and friends, GAD sufferers often exhibit a variety of physical symptoms that can include fatigue, headaches, nausea, muscle tension or aches, numbness in hands and feet, trembling, twitching and rashes.

How do you know if you have General Anxiety Disorder rather than just "normal" worries?
"Normal" worries include
• Your worrying doesn't get in the way of your daily activities and responsibilities.
• You are able to control your worrying.
• Your worries, while unpleasant, don't cause significant distress.
• Your worries are limited to a specific, small number of realistic concerns.
• Your bouts of worrying last only a short time period.

General Anxiety Disorder
• Your worrying significantly disrupts your job, activities, or social life.
• Your worrying is uncontrollable.
• Your worries are extremely upsetting and stressful.
• You worry about all sorts of things, and tend to expect the worst.
• You've been worrying almost every day for at least six months and the accompanying physical symptoms have also been present for a similar amount of time.

How to cope with General Anxiety Disorder
If you have GAD, there are many things you can do to make yourself feel better and you don't necessarily have to seek out professional help. For some, self-help strategies are enough to get the anxiety symptoms under control. For others, additional therapy and support is needed. But whether you seek medical attention or not, self-help coping techniques will help reduce your overall anxiety levels.

Effective self-help techniques for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) include:
• Dealing with your worry and anxiety in a productive way such as challenging irrational worrisome thoughts, learning how to postpone worrying, and learning to accept uncertainty in your life.
• Instigating anxiety-reducing lifestyle changes, such as eliminating caffeine, starting an exercise program, improving your diet, and drawing on the support of family and friends.
• Learning and practicing relaxation techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing and yoga. Consciously relaxing for even 20 minutes can make a difference!

When to seek treatment
If despite trying out the self-help techniques listed above your anxiety is still getting in the way of your life and/or your emotional well-being, it's time to seek professional help. Before you do that, though, it is important to make sure that your symptoms are truly due to GAD. If you have struggled with anxiety and fears your whole life, it's likely that your anxiety symptoms are due to GAD. However, if your anxiety symptoms are relatively new, this could be a sign of a different problem. For example, many medical conditions and medications can cause anxiety, as can traumatic experiences. The worries created by these situations are usually short-lived and not related to GAD.

It can be difficult for the possible GAD sufferer to be objective about their symptoms so it is always best to seek a mental health professional to get an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. GAD is often accompanied by other problems, such as depression, substance abuse, and other anxiety disorders so for your treatment to succeed, it's important for these factors to be considered so that you receive help for ALL of the problems you're dealing with.

Nancy Travers, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, specializes in all types of relationships; dating, existing relationships, family relationships, and relationships with friends and business relationships. She also helps her clients overcome anxiety and depression through talk therapy as well as through hypnosis. What sets her apart from many other counselors is that she has counseled in the gay/lesbian community for over 10 years. She also has experience counseling families with elder care issues. Nancy has been in practice for over 15 years and can provide you with the tools you need to approach dating and relationships with confidence. Visit her website at

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Demistyfying The Main Causes Of Acne

Monday 26th April 2010

Dealing with acne can be very stressful. Trying to figure out what causes it may be even more confusing. There may be many myths that surround this type of skin condition, and debunking these myths can help you deal with this skin condition better. There are a few major factors that contribute to the cause of irritable skin problems. These factors include: overproduction of oil in the skin, abnormal shedding that occurs with dead skin cells and the build up of bacteria.

Acne is the result of a combination oil and skin cells that are dead. These mix together inside the hair follicle. How? Well, each hair follicle is connected to a gland called a "sebaceous gland". This gland produces oils that work to lubricate the hair and skin.

Once produced the oil moves through the hair shafts and out of the hair follicles, in order to do its lubricating job. The problem occurs when excess oil is produced and then mixes with dead skin cells. This combination forms a clog under the skin's surface. This is how pimples begin to form on the surface of the skin.

The actual pimple you see on your skin is a direct result of this clog. This is because the mix of oil and dead skin cells push against the follicle wall, causing it to expand. You will then see the white head of the pimple. If the clog is exposed to open air and bacteria, a blackhead is formed.

If the clog happens deep in the hair follicle, as opposed to beneath the skin's surface a lump often will form. This lump is known as a cyst. This will show up on the skin often as a red bump, and does not have a white head. If you are wondering how sweat glands impact this skin condition, they typically do not contribute to the acne problem.

The factors which cause the increased production of oil in the body are not yet known. However, there are a few possibilities. These possibilities may include, but are not limited to: hormonal imbalance, genes, bacteria and the side-effects of some medications.

Often, people will wrongly assume that acne is the result of poor hygiene, which is not the case. In reality, too much cleaning of the face with soaps can irritate the skin and cause a batch of other skin problems. Normal washing of the face with gentle soap is helpful for skin maintenance. If you continuously feel stressed about your skin condition, consult a doctor.
Author Resource:- Acne scarring can be devastating to someone who just wants clear, blemish free skin. But there are many options for treatment available to individuals suffering from it. People who have money tend to try laser acne treatment to help them remove acne scars. Be informed - check out all the free information you'll need at our website.
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Friday, April 23, 2010

Home Remedies For Wrinkles

Friday 23rd April 2010

Anyone who undergoes graceful aging process has wrinkles. It is all part of the aging process. But if we can prevent it from developing and maintain our youthful appearance, then it will better right? Good news is, we can do this without surgery and this is through the use of home remedies for wrinkles.

Wrinkles are the creases in our skin. In the old days, these are considered as marks of wisdom since older people have it. Weathered skin can signify the age of a person back then.

Now, however, people are putting off the development of those lines for as long as possible. People are now very touchy about their age and we would want to look as young as we could. I surmised this is caused by a different perspective of beauty in this generation.

There are many ways to prevent premature skin aging. Smoking can actually cause parchedness in our dermis. So ditch this habit and promote glowing complexion.

Too much sun exposure can cause a lot of damage to our dermis. This will not just burn our skin but speed up the aging process as well even though you slather on sun screen. Studies say that the monks who usually stay indoors have more youthful appearance than beach bums.

Because people are now so obsessed with how they look, the need for effective anti-creasing products has boomed greatly. You can just imagine the billions of dollars that beauty companies earn every year as a result of this demand.

Many also opt for the quicker way of getting youthful appearance and this is through some surgical procedures which are effective but terribly expensive. Botox, for instance is a major hit.

You can also have that same effect but in a more natural and inexpensive way. Here are some home remedies for wrinkles that are definitely worth trying:

1. Massage coconut oil on your face before you go to sleep. The moisturizing effect of this remedy is very effective.
2. You can try this home made facial scrub: mix olive oil and honey. Apply this mixture on your face and leave it on for about 30 minutes and wash it off.
3. The juice of lemon can also be applied. This works really well in blemishes and lines. It is also abundant in vitamin C which keeps your skin glowing like crazy.
4. Do not throw away the core of pineapple. Use this to rub on your face and leave the juice on for a few minutes. Wash it off after a few minutes.
5. Infuse rosemary in 2 cups of water. Use the infused water to spray over your face two times a day.

It is also important to maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise. The nutrients in fruits and vegetables are beneficial to your dermis. Exercising can shed off dead dermis cells so it makes way for new and young cells.

You should also protect your skin from the inside. A product called Invigorate Skin Tonic is highly recommended because of its efficacy in maintaining a youthful appearance.

It prevents rapid aging process and helps the body in sustaining a healthy and clear look. This product only uses herbal remedies such as spirulina, rosemary, dandelion and biochemic tissue salts so you are assured of its safety.

You can combine this regimen together with home remedies for wrinkles for you to achieve optimum and remarkable results.

It is better to use natural methods that can ensure glowing and healthy appearance rather artificial methods that look like trying-hard youthfulness, don't you think? Before using any other aggressive methods, try home remedies for wrinkles first and a natural product like Invigorate Skin Tonic and you will be extremely pleased with the results.

There's no quick fix to cellulite. The best way to reduce it is to fight it with a combination of a healthy diet, exercise, cellulite cream and treatment. Visit my website at for more information.

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spring Cleaning For Mind, Body And Soul

Thursday 22nd April 2010

With spring in the air it is easy to feel more positive about the world in general. It is amazing what a bit of sunshine and warmth can do for your outlook. Many people do some form of spring cleaning around their home at this time of year. It is pleasant to be able to throw open the windows and let the fresh air into our homes.

With this kind of positive outlook, perhaps it is also a good time to do some spring cleaning in other areas of our lives as well. Getting rid of old habits, old hurts and old troubles can have the same kind of renewing effect on our lives as cleaning out your home has on your environment. Everything will feel fresh and your mind will be more focused and you will have much more clarity in your goals and expectations of life.

Getting rid of old habits:
We all have things we would like to improve about ourselves. Whether it is health related, such as quitting smoking or losing weight; or it might be a different kind of habit, such as allowing people to take advantage of your good nature. Whatever your habit, set a plan to make a change. With bolstered spirits at this time of year, you have a greater chance of success.

Getting rid of old hurts:
This time of year is a good time to address old issues with the people in your life. Pick one relationship in your life and make a plan to make it better. Even if the hurt does not go away, you can make a plan for forgiveness. Understand that the other person may not be at the same place mentally or emotionally as you are. If that is the case, then all you need do is to tell that person, "I forgive you", and move on. It is amazing how uplifting those words can be if you say it with conviction and truly mean that you are leaving those hurts in the past.

Getting rid of old troubles:
Whether it is money troubles, work troubles or relationship troubles, it is time to take action and create change. Troubles do not just disappear on their own. If you have a problem that just won't go away, now is the perfect time to put a plan into effect that will remove that trouble from your life. Just taking action can make all the difference in your life.

So as you are doing your spring cleaning around your home, start thinking about other areas that need cleaning up so you can have the summer of your life! Start each day with a prayer of thanks. Spring is the renewal of life and you should use this opportunity to renew your faith in God and in life.

We believe that everyone can succeed with the proper support!
Smith-Brumfield Training & Consulting Group, LLC is committed to supporting individuals and organizations in their efforts to achieve optimum success in their personal, professional and organizational endeavors. We provide personalized coaching and practical, relevant and interactive presentations in the areas of Christian Leadership and Development, Women's Issues, Cultural Awareness and Career, Transition and Scholarship Coaching

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Make Up Tips For The Eyes

Wednesday 21st April 2008

If you've got a big event coming up, you're probably stressing over preparatory details. One of the biggest factors of a big event is the outfit. What you wear says a lot about you, and no doubt you'd like to make a good impression and present yourself at your best. Questions like what shoes to wear, how and where to find the right dress, and what accessories to pair with your outfit can cause a little stress before the big event. Just as important as the outfit is the make-up, especially the eyes.

When applying make-up to your eyes, there are a few steps to follow that can really enhance your look. If your eyes are deep set into your face, pale shades with some shimmer can really make them pop. Start at the inner corner of the eye and sweep across the lid to the just beyond the outer corner. Wide set eyes can benefit from a deep shadow shade in the inner corner to the mid-lid, and a lighter shade from mid to outer. Close-set eyes can appear wider by doing the opposite: lighter from inner-lid to mid, darker from mid to outer. People with glasses often have a difficult time making their eyes stand out, so well shaped brows and lots of black mascara can help. When applying mascara, use less on lower lashes and more on upper lashes.

Also, once you've applied to all lashes, add another coat to the outer edges of the top lashes. This will make them look even longer. Soon you'll be ready to knock 'em dead at the big event.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Unfortunately my personal circumstances have hit a dramatic change. Forgive me for not going onto too much detail, but lets just say I am unable to continue my commitments with the blog.

It actually saddens me to have to do this, but I have decided to sell the domain name to the highest bidder. I am looking to just recoup my costs which I estimate to be in the $80.00 area.

This domain name currently has a Google Page Rank 3, so if you are looking to start up your own Beauty/style/health related website most of the hard work has already been done.

The domain also comes with it's own email account, and once purchased all registration documents and ownership details will be automatically changed for you.

So please, pass this post around. Maybe you know someone who could be interested and contact me by email to

Thank you all for your time, support and help over the last few months. I am sincerely greatful.
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