Friday, April 23, 2010

Home Remedies For Wrinkles

Friday 23rd April 2010

Anyone who undergoes graceful aging process has wrinkles. It is all part of the aging process. But if we can prevent it from developing and maintain our youthful appearance, then it will better right? Good news is, we can do this without surgery and this is through the use of home remedies for wrinkles.

Wrinkles are the creases in our skin. In the old days, these are considered as marks of wisdom since older people have it. Weathered skin can signify the age of a person back then.

Now, however, people are putting off the development of those lines for as long as possible. People are now very touchy about their age and we would want to look as young as we could. I surmised this is caused by a different perspective of beauty in this generation.

There are many ways to prevent premature skin aging. Smoking can actually cause parchedness in our dermis. So ditch this habit and promote glowing complexion.

Too much sun exposure can cause a lot of damage to our dermis. This will not just burn our skin but speed up the aging process as well even though you slather on sun screen. Studies say that the monks who usually stay indoors have more youthful appearance than beach bums.

Because people are now so obsessed with how they look, the need for effective anti-creasing products has boomed greatly. You can just imagine the billions of dollars that beauty companies earn every year as a result of this demand.

Many also opt for the quicker way of getting youthful appearance and this is through some surgical procedures which are effective but terribly expensive. Botox, for instance is a major hit.

You can also have that same effect but in a more natural and inexpensive way. Here are some home remedies for wrinkles that are definitely worth trying:

1. Massage coconut oil on your face before you go to sleep. The moisturizing effect of this remedy is very effective.
2. You can try this home made facial scrub: mix olive oil and honey. Apply this mixture on your face and leave it on for about 30 minutes and wash it off.
3. The juice of lemon can also be applied. This works really well in blemishes and lines. It is also abundant in vitamin C which keeps your skin glowing like crazy.
4. Do not throw away the core of pineapple. Use this to rub on your face and leave the juice on for a few minutes. Wash it off after a few minutes.
5. Infuse rosemary in 2 cups of water. Use the infused water to spray over your face two times a day.

It is also important to maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise. The nutrients in fruits and vegetables are beneficial to your dermis. Exercising can shed off dead dermis cells so it makes way for new and young cells.

You should also protect your skin from the inside. A product called Invigorate Skin Tonic is highly recommended because of its efficacy in maintaining a youthful appearance.

It prevents rapid aging process and helps the body in sustaining a healthy and clear look. This product only uses herbal remedies such as spirulina, rosemary, dandelion and biochemic tissue salts so you are assured of its safety.

You can combine this regimen together with home remedies for wrinkles for you to achieve optimum and remarkable results.

It is better to use natural methods that can ensure glowing and healthy appearance rather artificial methods that look like trying-hard youthfulness, don't you think? Before using any other aggressive methods, try home remedies for wrinkles first and a natural product like Invigorate Skin Tonic and you will be extremely pleased with the results.

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