Tuesday, November 17, 2009

More Natural Skin Care Recipes

Tuesday 17th November 2009

Due to the popularity of our previous post 5 Home Made Face Masks To Revive Winter Skin . Lorynne from Caribbean Tan has come up with more fabulous skin care recipes that we can all try at home.

Take it away Lorynne...

There's no doubt that 2009's woes (the recession, global warming, and political uncertainty) have reeked havoc on our health and the weight of the World is a story now finely engraved in our skin.

There is hope; Found in a skin care regime that will not only single handedly decrease your carbon footprint, but at the same time, keep you looking well and fit through the last of the recession. Yes people, it is time to go au natural. A few minutes of preparation and some simple, edible ingredients is all it takes to create a safer, chemical free and cost effective skin care regime. Think avocado facials, olive oil moisturisers and sea salt exfoliators. Mother Nature will provide.

Avocado Facial :

Fact - Avocado is rich in oil and fatty acids, omega three and six, both good for you on the inside and out.
Recipe - Mash the avocado flesh into a creamy texture. Massage into the face and neck. Leave on for 15 minutes and gently rinse off.

Baking Soda Cleanser :

Fact - As companies move away from using harsh chemicals, baking soda is gaining popularity out of the kitchen and is now being used in commercial products, from shampoo to industrial cleansers.
Recipe - Combine 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of your favorite face lotion or cleanser. Using small circular motions, rub the mixture gently into your face then rinse and moisturise as usual.

Baking Soda And Sea Salt Exfoliator :

Fact - Every one of the body's 92 essential minerals is also found in the ocean.
Recipe - Take a small cup and mix a teaspoon of baking soda and 1/2 a teaspoon of sea salt. The baking soda will polish the skin and the sea salt will perform the scrubbing action. The salt grains reduce in size once applied to the skin. The results are baby smooth with a definite glow.

Olive Oil Moisturiser :

Fact - Olive oil can be used to soothe sunburn. it is a natural moisturiser, keeping moisture secure within the skin.
Recipe - Use plain virgin olive oil. Rub a generous amount all over your body (including the face).

Lemon And Egg Facial Mask :

Fact - Lemon acts as a bleach, eliminating blotches and skin blemishes.
Recipe - Mix the juice of half a lemon with one beaten egg white. Leave on your face overnight, or for a quick pick-me-up, just 15 minutes. Splash warm water on your face to rinse.

And for your hair you have got to try...

Fruit Smoothie Hair Mask :

Fact - Fruits are said to be high in vitamins and minerals that we are able to absorb through our skin and hair adding strength, moisture and volume.
Recipe - Blend 1/2 a Banana, 1/4 of an avocado, 1/4 of a cantaloupe, 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil and 1 tablespoon of yogurt. For extra conditioning squeeze in the contents of a vitamin E capsule. Leave in the hair for 15 minutes.

These sound great guys, so if you ever give one of these recipes a try let us know about it.

Thanks once again to Lorynne from caribbeantan.co.uk for the brilliant post, and I will be back again tomorrow.



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