Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Look Forward

Tuesday 27th October 2009

Its guest blogger time again, and here we have a wonderful article written by Robin Wright, author of abalancedlifesite.com . I hope it helps you!

There can be times in our lives we look back and think about missed opportunities. I know I can think of countless times when I said to myself, "I should have.....", "Why didn't I go...." or Why didn't I say..." We have all heard the old saying that hind sight is 20/20. However, instead of focusing on the past what we should concentrate our energy on the present.

One element to leading a successful life is to focus on today and the future. We have to stop looking backwards and wishing that we can change things. Sometimes we devote a lot of energy beating ourselves up and let regret eat us up on the inside. Yes, there are things that I wish I hadn't said or done. However, I can't take the past back. With that being said, there are things that I can do:

  • I can ask for forgiveness if I have offended or disappointed someone

  • I can forgive others for things that may have offended or disappointed me

  • I can forgive myself for past mistakes or lapses in my judgment

  • Prepare myself for the endless possibilities and opportunities that life presents me

Instead of concentrating on the should da, could da, and would da's, we should keep looking forward. The past should be used as a learning instrument that keeps us from making the same mistakes. Stop looking back! If there is an aspect in our lives that need to be tweaked or changed, then we need to change it. We have to exercise our willpower to make necessary adjustments in our lives. We have to KEEP LOOKING FORWARD!

We will be back again tomorrow with some common cold remedies, some are quite unbelievable!



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