Thursday, May 20, 2010

Killer Heels Reach A New High.

Thursday 20th May 2010

Killer heels have certainly reached a new high if this photograph is anything to go by. Shoe's that were reserved for the likes of strippers and dominatrices are now the latest trend to spiral it's way into the high street.

It is now the in style for any self respecting red carpet A' Lister to step out in heels as high as six, or even seven inches.

Thanks to this burst in popularity we have seen many runway models falling hopelessly as they try with all of their skinny might to keep upright, and why we all try to suppress our sneers and disbelief we now know why the killer heel got it's rather apt nickname.

The killer heel record was previously held by the late Alexander McQueen and his ten inch armadillo heel, however Romanian designer Mihai Albu has gone two inched further with his 12 inch stiletto.

I remember the days when a high heel was set at about 3 - 4 inches, and even that was too much for my feet to deal with. So one has to wonder where the killer heel will stop. In the next three years will women be forced to walk with stilts in the name of fashion? Personally I hope to see celebrities wearing sensible flats and flip flops for the summer season, how satisfying would that be...
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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Baby Food Diet

Wednesday 19th May 2010

With the warmer weather fast approaching, the stars of stage and screen are looking at new and bizarre ways to lose weight, but would you ever consider trying the baby food diet?

Reece Witherspoon and Marcia Cross have allegedly tried this new celebrity fad diet which entails consuming 14 jars of baby food throughout the day, to replace breakfast and lunch, and eating a normal dinner in the evening.

The advantages of this diet is the low calorie intake. Some baby food jars contain as little as fourteen calories each, are vitamin packed, and are free from additives. But a closer inspection of the diet reveals that such a low intake of calories is not healthy for the average adult. Besides, baby jar foods are bland, mushy and rather awful to eat, so why would you want to eat them in the first place?

Many nutritionists have slammed the new celebrity diet as outrageous and unhealthy for any adult to undertake. The cornerstone of any weight loss plan is to gain a sense of satisfaction from the foods you are eating and to get a sensation of feeling full after every meal. The key to losing weight is balance and eating the right foods, something that this diet cannot offer.

To put yourself through this diet and opting for puréed foods will not work if your goal is to lose weight. Nobody is going to be able to sustain themselves for a long period of time on baby food.

What is the craziest fad diet you have tried? Let us know in the comments box.

See you again tomorrow.
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Monday, May 17, 2010

Age Gap Concern

Monday 17th May 2010

A recent study conducted by German researchers found that women who marry men seven to nine years their junior or senior could be upping their odds of dying sooner.

Exchanging vows with a significantly younger man raises a woman's risk of death by 20%, according to the study published in Demography.

The study, based on data from almost two million Danish couples, indicates that marrying an older man may also shorten a woman's life, and that the healthiest choice for a husband might be a man around a woman's own age.

The study authors also stressed that, as a whole, marriage is not bad for life expectancy. In fact, both men and women experience a bump in longevity when they get married, relative to unmarried people.

The study found that men also got health benefits from choosing a younger wife. While men who married older women increased their risk for death, men who tied the knot with a woman seven to nine years younger cut their risk of death by 11%.

That notion suggests that older men and women who found younger partners were able to do so because they were healthier than average and therefore already faced a longer life expectancy. The theory relies on the idea that a younger spouse would boost the older partner's social and psychological frame of mind on the one hand, while being there to care for them in old age - all contributing to increased longevity for the older mate.

It seems to me that there are more factors in longevity than the age of your partner, but who knows, I am not the expert!

That's all for today, thanks for stopping by and see you again on Wednesday.

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Monday, May 03, 2010

How To Sleep Better

Monday 3rd May 2010

Good morning. I trust you all has a good weekend!

I'd like to kick this new week off by showing you this great article I found, let me know what you think!

We pay a high price for getting an insufficient amount of sleep, individually and as a society. Lack of sleep is directly linked to poor health, with new research suggesting it increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

Quit smoking. Smoking has a tendency to cause the muscles around your airway to become overly relaxed and more likely to collapse as you sleep.

Sleep experts say that we need 8 hours of sleep per night. However, the latest research shows that women average 6 hours and forty minutes of sleep during the week and 7 hours on the weekend. Besides the extra work that women have to contend with (helping with homework, laundry, cooking, etc.) and the many concerns that keep them from sleep, women are also be kept awake by - small children who wake during the night, teenagers coming home late, aging parents who get up during the night.

Stress and sleep deprivation is like a classic chicken and egg debate. Is stress the one causing your insomnia or is lack of sleep to blame for your anxieties? Whatever the answer to this problem is, you need to look deeper into your life. Try to determine which is causing your stress. Once you have learned what is making you anxious, the best thing to do is to keep away from it. However, if your family, friends or work is the one causing you to lose sleep, you cannot simply ignore it. Thus, talking with someone, like a professional shrink, could help you deal with your problems.

But just because your partner snores doesn't mean that he has sleep apnea. For a positive diagnosis to be made there has to be periods of cessation of breathing during the sleep. This diagnosis can be confirmed by an overnight sleep test called a polysomnogram. These are usually carried out in special sleep laboratories where you are monitored by special equipment as well as a sleep technician. The first step in getting one of these tests arranged is to visit your doctor.

With all of the materiel on hand, and the pattern before me, I set out to construct the best sleeping bag possible. My wife was not to happy as I managed to break every sewing machine needle in the house. A trip to town for more, and many hours later, the best ever sleeping bag lay on the kitchen table for all to see. The amazing part of this exercise was that I had never used a sewing machine in my life.

Make sure, when it's all said and done, that you leave something for your child to do! You might want to place a pile of "rubble"--blocks, dominoes or whatever--near one of the buildings. Or leave one or two of the buildings unfinished. For a little added insurance provide a house friendly sand-box, also on the edge of town. To do this, place different size cups on a baking sheet. Fill one of the cups with sand and leave some measuring spoons next to it.

Alli is a diet supplement it is not a cure all. In order to successfully lose weight you must be committed to make a change in your eating habits and exercise routine. The key to a healthy eating plan is to eat small meals frequently and to replace some higher fat foods with lower fat varieties. If you do this the side effects of Alli should be minimal. Most people who complain about the harsh side effects are not doing enough to change their eating habits and replacing what they normally eat with lower fat foods.

Article From Article Health And Fitness
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Friday, April 30, 2010

Treatments Options For Spider Veins

Friday 30th April 2010

What are the options for spider vein treatment?

Sclerotherapy is the 'gold standard' for eliminating spider veins and small reticular leg veins. Multiple injections of a sclerosing agent are injected into the abnormal red, blue or purple spider veins of the involved leg. Injecting the unwanted veins with the sclerosing solution causes the target vein to immediately shrink, and then dissolve over a period of weeks as the body naturally resorbs the treated vein. The FDA has recently approved the sclerosing agent, polidocanol, for treatment of spider veins. Injection of this drug is painless and it has a good safety profile.

Prescription compression stockings should be worn for one week after treatment to ensure a successful outcome. Patients are encouraged to walk at least thirty minutes every day during that time. The patient usually requires at least 2-3 treatment sessions separated by several weeks to significantly improve the appearance of their legs.

Are there side effects?

Side effects of treatment may include pain and swelling of the leg for a few days after injection. Rarely, brown discoloration over the vein or scarring may occur. In women taking estrogen-containing drugs, the formation of tiny, new blood vessels in the treated area can occur within a month after treatment but this usually resolves spontaneously by 6 months. Cosmetic lasers can be used to treat these tiny vessels.

Can laser be used to treat spider veins?

For smaller spiders, laser therapy may be used with excellent results. Nd YAG lasers can erase these veins with little or no darkening of the skin, and compression stockings are not required to be worn after the procedure. More than one treatment session may be necessary to completely clear your veins.

Will my spider veins return?

Usually the treated veins do not return. However, if you suffer from underlying venous hypertension or varicose veins, new spider veins may open up in the same areas after successful treatment. If this occurs, you should see a specialist in venous disorders, who will examine your legs with duplex ultrasound. This test can determine if your deeper veins are involved. If they are, correction of the underlying problem may eliminate these smaller veins.

Robin Fleck, M.D is a double-board certified dermatologist and internist, recognized by the American Board of Dermatology and the American Board of Internal Medicine.

She is the founder and Medical Director of Vein Specialties in Prescott, Arizona and is a member of the American College of Phlebology and the American Venous Forum.

For more information about venous disorders visit our website at

Article Source:,_M.D.

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

HRT - The Risks And Benefits

Thursday 29th April 2010

Hormone replacement therapy is commonly prescribed in women with severe menopausal symptoms. HRTs also have been found to have beneficial effects on osteoporosis, coronary heart disease and colorectal cancer, and this has led many women to also use them in the hope of reducing their risks of these conditions.

However, in recent years, the use of HRTs have dropped significantly due to the publication of the findings of the Women's Health Initiative Study.

The Women's Health Initiative (WHI) Study is the largest randomised controlled trial on one combination of HRTs. Conjugated equine estrogen 0.625mg plus medroxyprogesterone acetate 2.5 mg was compared against a placebo in 16,608 healthy postmenopausal women aged between 50 to 79 years, with an intact uterus from 40 North American centres over a planned 8.5 years. One of the study's components examined the role of HRT in the prevention of major degenerative diseases (cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and cancer).

This component of the WHI Study was stopped prematurely on 31st May 2002, after 5.2 years by the data and safety monitoring board, due to an increased risk of invasive breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, strokes and pulmonary embolism. Reduction of risks were observed in endometrial cancer, hip fractures and colorectal cancers. Since the overall health risks exceeded the benefits, it was concluded that combined estrogen-progesterone is probably only suitable for short term treatment of early menopausal women with significant menopausal symptoms. In general, menopausal symptoms will resolve within 5 years spontaneously.

HRT & Menopausal Symptoms:

HRT is effective in the treatment of menopausal symptoms (in particular, vasomotor symptoms, vaginal dryness and urinary symptoms), thus improving the quality of life in women who suffer from significant symptoms.

HRT & Osteoporosis:

HRT reduces the risk of osteoporosis and its subsequent fractures. However, in view of the associated risks of HRT, alternatives such as bisphosphonates should be used instead.

HRT & Colorectal Cancer:

HRT reduces the incidence of colorectal cancer, however, combination HRT should not be used sole for this purpose due to its associated long term risks.

HRT & Coronary Heart Disease:

Current evidence has not demonstrated any benefit in use of HRT in reducing the risk of coronary heart disease.

HRT & Dementia:

There is no evidence to suggest that HRT improves cognition or protects against dementia.

HRT & Breast Cancer:

Long term HRT use (more than 4 years) is associated with a small but significant increase in risk of invasive breast cancer. The breast mammographic changes on that occur with HRT use may also hinder the diagnosis of breast cancer.

HRT & Endometrial Cancer:

Combination HRT has been shown to reduce the risk of endometrial cancer.

HRT, Deep Vein Thrombosis & Pulmonary Embolism:

Combination HRT use has been associated with significantly increased risk of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

HRT & Stroke:

Combination HRT use has been associated with a small increase in ischaemic strokes.

Dr Ang C.D. is has been in medical practice for over 12 years. He graduated with an M.B.B.S. degree from the National University of Singapore in 1997 and subsequently completed his post-graduate diploma in Family Medicine.

He has had training in Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Orthopaedic Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Neurosurgery, General Surgery, Colorectal Surgery and Urology.

Dr Ang currently practices in a family clinic in Singapore, seeing a good mix of paediatric, adult and geriatric patients.

With the goal of providing local and international patients with a resource for specialist care in Singapore, Dr Ang has founded, a Web Directory of Specialists in Private Practice in Singapore.

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Coping With General Anxiety Disorder

Wednesday 28th April 2010

Worrying about that presentation at work next week? Feeling anxious about an upcoming medical exam? Stressing about your kids' welfare? Worries are part and parcel of leading a busy life in this modern, hectic world, but when the worries take over and become something more serious like General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), they can impact on your health and happiness. Approximately 6.8 million American adults suffer from General Anxiety Disorder and some believe that number is increasing each year.

So what is General Anxiety Disorder?
It is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by an excessive, uncontrollable and often irrational worry about everyday things that is disproportionate to the actual source of worry. As well as the irrational worries about wealth, health and the well-being of family and friends, GAD sufferers often exhibit a variety of physical symptoms that can include fatigue, headaches, nausea, muscle tension or aches, numbness in hands and feet, trembling, twitching and rashes.

How do you know if you have General Anxiety Disorder rather than just "normal" worries?
"Normal" worries include
• Your worrying doesn't get in the way of your daily activities and responsibilities.
• You are able to control your worrying.
• Your worries, while unpleasant, don't cause significant distress.
• Your worries are limited to a specific, small number of realistic concerns.
• Your bouts of worrying last only a short time period.

General Anxiety Disorder
• Your worrying significantly disrupts your job, activities, or social life.
• Your worrying is uncontrollable.
• Your worries are extremely upsetting and stressful.
• You worry about all sorts of things, and tend to expect the worst.
• You've been worrying almost every day for at least six months and the accompanying physical symptoms have also been present for a similar amount of time.

How to cope with General Anxiety Disorder
If you have GAD, there are many things you can do to make yourself feel better and you don't necessarily have to seek out professional help. For some, self-help strategies are enough to get the anxiety symptoms under control. For others, additional therapy and support is needed. But whether you seek medical attention or not, self-help coping techniques will help reduce your overall anxiety levels.

Effective self-help techniques for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) include:
• Dealing with your worry and anxiety in a productive way such as challenging irrational worrisome thoughts, learning how to postpone worrying, and learning to accept uncertainty in your life.
• Instigating anxiety-reducing lifestyle changes, such as eliminating caffeine, starting an exercise program, improving your diet, and drawing on the support of family and friends.
• Learning and practicing relaxation techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing and yoga. Consciously relaxing for even 20 minutes can make a difference!

When to seek treatment
If despite trying out the self-help techniques listed above your anxiety is still getting in the way of your life and/or your emotional well-being, it's time to seek professional help. Before you do that, though, it is important to make sure that your symptoms are truly due to GAD. If you have struggled with anxiety and fears your whole life, it's likely that your anxiety symptoms are due to GAD. However, if your anxiety symptoms are relatively new, this could be a sign of a different problem. For example, many medical conditions and medications can cause anxiety, as can traumatic experiences. The worries created by these situations are usually short-lived and not related to GAD.

It can be difficult for the possible GAD sufferer to be objective about their symptoms so it is always best to seek a mental health professional to get an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. GAD is often accompanied by other problems, such as depression, substance abuse, and other anxiety disorders so for your treatment to succeed, it's important for these factors to be considered so that you receive help for ALL of the problems you're dealing with.

Nancy Travers, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, specializes in all types of relationships; dating, existing relationships, family relationships, and relationships with friends and business relationships. She also helps her clients overcome anxiety and depression through talk therapy as well as through hypnosis. What sets her apart from many other counselors is that she has counseled in the gay/lesbian community for over 10 years. She also has experience counseling families with elder care issues. Nancy has been in practice for over 15 years and can provide you with the tools you need to approach dating and relationships with confidence. Visit her website at

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Demistyfying The Main Causes Of Acne

Monday 26th April 2010

Dealing with acne can be very stressful. Trying to figure out what causes it may be even more confusing. There may be many myths that surround this type of skin condition, and debunking these myths can help you deal with this skin condition better. There are a few major factors that contribute to the cause of irritable skin problems. These factors include: overproduction of oil in the skin, abnormal shedding that occurs with dead skin cells and the build up of bacteria.

Acne is the result of a combination oil and skin cells that are dead. These mix together inside the hair follicle. How? Well, each hair follicle is connected to a gland called a "sebaceous gland". This gland produces oils that work to lubricate the hair and skin.

Once produced the oil moves through the hair shafts and out of the hair follicles, in order to do its lubricating job. The problem occurs when excess oil is produced and then mixes with dead skin cells. This combination forms a clog under the skin's surface. This is how pimples begin to form on the surface of the skin.

The actual pimple you see on your skin is a direct result of this clog. This is because the mix of oil and dead skin cells push against the follicle wall, causing it to expand. You will then see the white head of the pimple. If the clog is exposed to open air and bacteria, a blackhead is formed.

If the clog happens deep in the hair follicle, as opposed to beneath the skin's surface a lump often will form. This lump is known as a cyst. This will show up on the skin often as a red bump, and does not have a white head. If you are wondering how sweat glands impact this skin condition, they typically do not contribute to the acne problem.

The factors which cause the increased production of oil in the body are not yet known. However, there are a few possibilities. These possibilities may include, but are not limited to: hormonal imbalance, genes, bacteria and the side-effects of some medications.

Often, people will wrongly assume that acne is the result of poor hygiene, which is not the case. In reality, too much cleaning of the face with soaps can irritate the skin and cause a batch of other skin problems. Normal washing of the face with gentle soap is helpful for skin maintenance. If you continuously feel stressed about your skin condition, consult a doctor.
Author Resource:- Acne scarring can be devastating to someone who just wants clear, blemish free skin. But there are many options for treatment available to individuals suffering from it. People who have money tend to try laser acne treatment to help them remove acne scars. Be informed - check out all the free information you'll need at our website.
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Friday, April 23, 2010

Home Remedies For Wrinkles

Friday 23rd April 2010

Anyone who undergoes graceful aging process has wrinkles. It is all part of the aging process. But if we can prevent it from developing and maintain our youthful appearance, then it will better right? Good news is, we can do this without surgery and this is through the use of home remedies for wrinkles.

Wrinkles are the creases in our skin. In the old days, these are considered as marks of wisdom since older people have it. Weathered skin can signify the age of a person back then.

Now, however, people are putting off the development of those lines for as long as possible. People are now very touchy about their age and we would want to look as young as we could. I surmised this is caused by a different perspective of beauty in this generation.

There are many ways to prevent premature skin aging. Smoking can actually cause parchedness in our dermis. So ditch this habit and promote glowing complexion.

Too much sun exposure can cause a lot of damage to our dermis. This will not just burn our skin but speed up the aging process as well even though you slather on sun screen. Studies say that the monks who usually stay indoors have more youthful appearance than beach bums.

Because people are now so obsessed with how they look, the need for effective anti-creasing products has boomed greatly. You can just imagine the billions of dollars that beauty companies earn every year as a result of this demand.

Many also opt for the quicker way of getting youthful appearance and this is through some surgical procedures which are effective but terribly expensive. Botox, for instance is a major hit.

You can also have that same effect but in a more natural and inexpensive way. Here are some home remedies for wrinkles that are definitely worth trying:

1. Massage coconut oil on your face before you go to sleep. The moisturizing effect of this remedy is very effective.
2. You can try this home made facial scrub: mix olive oil and honey. Apply this mixture on your face and leave it on for about 30 minutes and wash it off.
3. The juice of lemon can also be applied. This works really well in blemishes and lines. It is also abundant in vitamin C which keeps your skin glowing like crazy.
4. Do not throw away the core of pineapple. Use this to rub on your face and leave the juice on for a few minutes. Wash it off after a few minutes.
5. Infuse rosemary in 2 cups of water. Use the infused water to spray over your face two times a day.

It is also important to maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise. The nutrients in fruits and vegetables are beneficial to your dermis. Exercising can shed off dead dermis cells so it makes way for new and young cells.

You should also protect your skin from the inside. A product called Invigorate Skin Tonic is highly recommended because of its efficacy in maintaining a youthful appearance.

It prevents rapid aging process and helps the body in sustaining a healthy and clear look. This product only uses herbal remedies such as spirulina, rosemary, dandelion and biochemic tissue salts so you are assured of its safety.

You can combine this regimen together with home remedies for wrinkles for you to achieve optimum and remarkable results.

It is better to use natural methods that can ensure glowing and healthy appearance rather artificial methods that look like trying-hard youthfulness, don't you think? Before using any other aggressive methods, try home remedies for wrinkles first and a natural product like Invigorate Skin Tonic and you will be extremely pleased with the results.

There's no quick fix to cellulite. The best way to reduce it is to fight it with a combination of a healthy diet, exercise, cellulite cream and treatment. Visit my website at for more information.

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spring Cleaning For Mind, Body And Soul

Thursday 22nd April 2010

With spring in the air it is easy to feel more positive about the world in general. It is amazing what a bit of sunshine and warmth can do for your outlook. Many people do some form of spring cleaning around their home at this time of year. It is pleasant to be able to throw open the windows and let the fresh air into our homes.

With this kind of positive outlook, perhaps it is also a good time to do some spring cleaning in other areas of our lives as well. Getting rid of old habits, old hurts and old troubles can have the same kind of renewing effect on our lives as cleaning out your home has on your environment. Everything will feel fresh and your mind will be more focused and you will have much more clarity in your goals and expectations of life.

Getting rid of old habits:
We all have things we would like to improve about ourselves. Whether it is health related, such as quitting smoking or losing weight; or it might be a different kind of habit, such as allowing people to take advantage of your good nature. Whatever your habit, set a plan to make a change. With bolstered spirits at this time of year, you have a greater chance of success.

Getting rid of old hurts:
This time of year is a good time to address old issues with the people in your life. Pick one relationship in your life and make a plan to make it better. Even if the hurt does not go away, you can make a plan for forgiveness. Understand that the other person may not be at the same place mentally or emotionally as you are. If that is the case, then all you need do is to tell that person, "I forgive you", and move on. It is amazing how uplifting those words can be if you say it with conviction and truly mean that you are leaving those hurts in the past.

Getting rid of old troubles:
Whether it is money troubles, work troubles or relationship troubles, it is time to take action and create change. Troubles do not just disappear on their own. If you have a problem that just won't go away, now is the perfect time to put a plan into effect that will remove that trouble from your life. Just taking action can make all the difference in your life.

So as you are doing your spring cleaning around your home, start thinking about other areas that need cleaning up so you can have the summer of your life! Start each day with a prayer of thanks. Spring is the renewal of life and you should use this opportunity to renew your faith in God and in life.

We believe that everyone can succeed with the proper support!
Smith-Brumfield Training & Consulting Group, LLC is committed to supporting individuals and organizations in their efforts to achieve optimum success in their personal, professional and organizational endeavors. We provide personalized coaching and practical, relevant and interactive presentations in the areas of Christian Leadership and Development, Women's Issues, Cultural Awareness and Career, Transition and Scholarship Coaching

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Make Up Tips For The Eyes

Wednesday 21st April 2008

If you've got a big event coming up, you're probably stressing over preparatory details. One of the biggest factors of a big event is the outfit. What you wear says a lot about you, and no doubt you'd like to make a good impression and present yourself at your best. Questions like what shoes to wear, how and where to find the right dress, and what accessories to pair with your outfit can cause a little stress before the big event. Just as important as the outfit is the make-up, especially the eyes.

When applying make-up to your eyes, there are a few steps to follow that can really enhance your look. If your eyes are deep set into your face, pale shades with some shimmer can really make them pop. Start at the inner corner of the eye and sweep across the lid to the just beyond the outer corner. Wide set eyes can benefit from a deep shadow shade in the inner corner to the mid-lid, and a lighter shade from mid to outer. Close-set eyes can appear wider by doing the opposite: lighter from inner-lid to mid, darker from mid to outer. People with glasses often have a difficult time making their eyes stand out, so well shaped brows and lots of black mascara can help. When applying mascara, use less on lower lashes and more on upper lashes.

Also, once you've applied to all lashes, add another coat to the outer edges of the top lashes. This will make them look even longer. Soon you'll be ready to knock 'em dead at the big event.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Unfortunately my personal circumstances have hit a dramatic change. Forgive me for not going onto too much detail, but lets just say I am unable to continue my commitments with the blog.

It actually saddens me to have to do this, but I have decided to sell the domain name to the highest bidder. I am looking to just recoup my costs which I estimate to be in the $80.00 area.

This domain name currently has a Google Page Rank 3, so if you are looking to start up your own Beauty/style/health related website most of the hard work has already been done.

The domain also comes with it's own email account, and once purchased all registration documents and ownership details will be automatically changed for you.

So please, pass this post around. Maybe you know someone who could be interested and contact me by email to

Thank you all for your time, support and help over the last few months. I am sincerely greatful.
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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Eat Your Way To A Healthy Heart

Wednesday 31st March 2010

A healthy diet can reduce your chances of getting heart disease, and believing that prevention is better than cure I have come up with a list of foods that you can eat to help keep your heart healthy.


Fish is an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids that protect your heart by reducing both inflammation and the risk of blood clots. These fats also work to keep your cholesterol levels healthy. Eat salmon or other oily ocean fish like tuna, sardines or herring at least two times per week. For a heart-healthy meal, try grilled salmon steaks with a green vegetable and a side salad with a sprinkling of lemon juice instead of high-calorie salad dressing.


Oats contain a soluble fiber called beta glucan that helps reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Soluble fiber also helps keep your digestive system healthy. Enjoy oatmeal with just a small amount of brown sugar and plenty of strawberries and walnuts for breakfast. Cold cereals made with oats are also great with low-fat milk or soy milk plus slices of fresh fruit.


Almonds and other nuts contain healthy oils, vitamin E and other substances that will help keep cholesterol levels in check. Almonds are also a good source of protein and fiber. Almonds make a great snack on their own, or sprinkle slivered almonds on green beans or asparagus with lemon juice as a deliciously healthy side dish.

Red wine

Red wine contains a powerful antioxidant called resveratol. Resveratrol has been shown to be good for your heart. Be sure to enjoy red wine in moderation. Studies show that only 4 to 8 ounces of red wine is needed each day.

Whole Grains

Whole grains provide vitamins and fiber that will help to keep your heart healthy. Make a deliciously healthy sandwich with two slices of 100-percent whole-grain bread, three ounces of lean turkey breast, lots of sliced tomatoes and avocado, plus lettuce and a bit of mustard. Switch from white pasta to whole grain pasta too.

Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables contain folate, which helps to keep homocysteine levels down, and vitamin E. Green leafy vegetables have also been associated with better retention of memory as age. Try using fresh spinach leaves or other greens for your favorite salad instead of iceberg lettuce.


Tomatoes are packed with vitamins and lycopene, which has been shown to reduce heart disease risk. Add thick slices of tomatoes to sandwiches and salads or enjoy tomato sauce on whole wheat pasta. In fact, cooked tomato sauce and canned tomato sauce that you buy in the store both contain more lycopene than raw tomatoes.

Olive Oil

Olive oil reduces your risk of heart disease by lowering your LDL cholesterol levels. Choose olive oil for cooking, or make a nice dip for whole grain bread by pouring a bit of olive oil in a small bowl and add a bit of balsamic vinegar and a sprinkle of oregano.


Apples contain a phytochemical called quercetin which acts as an antiinflammatory and will help prevent blood clots as well. Apples contain vitamins and fiber, come in several delicious varieties and are portable. Eat an apple with a handful of walnuts or almonds as a healthy snack or add apple slices to your healthy salads.
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Monday, March 29, 2010

Omega 3 Linked To A Longer Life

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Monday 29th March 2010

(NaturalNews) Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, have found that omega-3 fatty acids have another beneficial effect besides maintaining a healthy heart. Published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the study found that patients with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood experienced a slowing of the shortening of their telomeres, indicating that the fatty acids help to slow the aging process.

The study of telomeres and their role in the aging process has been a popular subject in recent years. Scientists have found that telomeres, which act as protective end caps on cells, gradually shorten over time as cells divide and repair themselves, causing a person to age. Researchers, however, have been studying various compounds, including omega-3s, that appear to slow the shortening process and even reverse it.

Ramin Farzaneh-Far, a clinical cardiologist and lead author of the study, evaluated 608 patients who had prior heart problems and coronary-artery blockage. Over a five-year period, those with the highest levels of omega-3s in their blood experienced far less telomere shortening than those with the lowest levels.

The researchers focused primarily on omega-3s derived from fish sources rather than from vegetable sources like flaxseed and walnuts. The study also did not address the specific sources of omega-3s, whether they be directly from fish or vegetables or from omega-3 supplements.

John LaPuma, a physician and nutrition expert from Santa Barbara, California, believes that omega-3s derived directly from eating fish is the best source. He bases this assumption on the brevity of research that has been conducted directly on fish sources of omega-3s but it seems reasonable to assume that omega-3s derived from other sources provide similar benefits as did the ones used in the study.

Study researchers said they are not entirely sure how telomeres work in the aging process but they recognize that they play a key role in the process. Others have compared telomeres to the plastic end caps on shoelaces that keep them from unraveling, indicating that they maintain the integrity of cells.

Dr. Farzaneh-Far also explained that short telomeres often predict the onset of certain diseases including cardiovascular illness and heart problems. Whether or not telomeres are merely indicators of these diseases or the cause of them is still up for debate. Further research into the process is needed in order to get a more accurate understanding of the way telomeres work in cellular aging.

See you back here again on Wednesday!
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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Can Seaweed Help With Obesity?

Wednesday 24th March 2010

Yesterday scientists from The university of Newcastle revealed that Seaweed could be the answer to all our obesity woes.

Researchers found seaweed fibre could reduce the body's fat uptake by more than 75%.

A fibrous material in Sea Kelp called alginate was better at preventing fat absorption than most over-the-counter slimming treatments, laboratory tests have shown.

Dr Iain Brownlee, who co-led the University of Newcastle team, said: "This suggests that if we can add the natural fibre to products commonly eaten daily - such as bread, biscuits and yoghurt's - up to three quarters of the fat contained in that meal could simply pass through the body.

"We have already added the alginate to bread and initial taste tests have been extremely encouraging. Now the next step is to carry out clinical trials to find out how effective it is when eaten as part of a normal diet."

The scientists used an "artificial gut" to test the effectiveness of 60 different natural fibres by measuring the extent to which they affected the digestion of fat.

They presented their findings at the American Chemical Society's spring meeting in San Francisco, US.

Dr Brownlee said the aim was to see if the same effects modelled in the laboratory could be reproduced in living volunteers.

"Our initial findings are that alginates significantly reduce fat digestion," he said.

The research is part of a three-year project funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Contraception - Abstinence

Monday 22nd March 2010

If you are looking for a contraceptive that is 100% effective at preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases then abstinence is the perfect contraceptive for you.

While the idea of abstinence is not taught in many schools, in my opinion it should be. A good sex education class should cover all bases including how to say no and how to say no to sex.

There has been considerable debate over whether abstinence is a true form of birth control and if it is worth teaching to young people. Research shows that teens whose sex education is at least half abstinence-based are less likely to experience an unplanned pregnancy than those who receive contraceptive education alone; and women who report no sex education at all have the greatest number of unplanned pregnancies. It seems that abstinence education is important, and many young people do select abstinence as their method of choice.

Some people argue that sexual abstinence is not a true form of birth control. But, birth control is any act, drug, or device that is intended to prevent pregnancy. This means that choosing to abstain is really a contraceptive. Did you know that among teens abstinence is the most popular method of birth control? Among people aged 15-19, fewer than half have ever had sex. Over one in ten women of reproductive age have never had sex at all.

What are your feelings on abstinence? Should we be teaching our children about it in schools and at home as well as telling them about contraceptive devices?
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Monday, March 15, 2010

Contraception - The Morning After Pill

Monday 15th March 2010

The morning after pill can be used by a woman to prevent pregnancy after having unprotected sex.

While it is very effective at preventing pregnancy if they are used soon after having unprotected sex, they are not a barrier to protect you from any sexually transmitted infections.

The emergency contraceptive pill can be taken up to three days (72 hours) after you have had unprotected sex.

If it is taken within 24 hours of having unprotected sex, the emergency contraceptive pill is effective in preventing 95% of pregnancies. However, the later the emergency contraceptive pill is taken, the lower the success rate.

The emergency contraceptive pill is available free of charge from your GP and most family planning clinics. A number of community pharmacists can also prescribe it to those who are under 18 years of age, including teenagers who are under 16.

If you are over 16 years of age, you can buy the emergency contraceptive pill over-the-counter (OTC) at pharmacies for around £26 and some pharmacies, such as Lloyds, are now selling it online.

The emergency contraceptive pill should not be used as a regular method of contraception.

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Friday, March 12, 2010

Something For The Weekend 24

Friday 12th March 2010

Now, if you have ever watched Dragons Den then you may have actually heard of the Tangle Teezer Detangling Hair Brush.

As the brainchild of celebrity colourist Shaun P, this unique Tangle Teezer Detangling Hair Brush waves goodbye to those troublesome hair tangles while dramatically reducing hair breakage and splitting.

Available in a number of colours, this hair brush really is a dream come true for those who have long hair, wavy or curly hair and is a life line for parents!

Website Of The Week

Your Health Food Store

If you are looking for an online store that sells supplements and health foods, then you'd be mad to not give this place a try. it has to be one of the most well stocked health food stores I have seen. Not only that the customer care is excellent as well as the products themselves.

Well, that was short but sweet today. Don't forget mothers day is on Sunday, so with that I would like to wish all the mum's out there a very happy mothers day.

See you on Monday!
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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Women And Hair Loss

Thursday 11th March 2010

Here is a really interesting article I found today about women and hair loss that I wanted to share with you all. It's written by Tracee Cornforth and you can fond the origianl article here on

The advertisements for treatment of balding and hair loss in men can't be missed. These ads might lead one to believe that hair loss is generally an issue affecting men. However, the fact is that as many as two-thirds of all women experience hair loss at some point.

Fortunately, hair loss in women typically does not result in complete baldness, as is often the case with men.

Does Estrogen Affect Hair Loss?

The role of estrogen in hair growth -- at least in humans -- is not clear. Both oral and topical estrogens are prescribed by physicians to treat hair loss in women, although there are no controlled studies to support this use of estrogen.

Dr. Vera H. Price, a researcher who examined hair loss and treatments for the two most common types of hair loss -- androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata, warns that women who choose to use oral contraceptives to treat hair loss should take care to select one with little or no androgenic activity, such as norgestimate or ethynodiol diacetate. She also warns that women with androgenetic aplopecia should not use testosterone or androgen precursors such as DHEA.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is an immune disease that affects almost 2% of the population in the United States. This type of hair loss appears in various degrees of severity -- from small, round patches of hair loss that regrow without medical treatment, to chronic, extensive hair loss that can involve the loss of all hair on the scalp or body. This type of hair loss affects both genders equally and can occur at any age, although it occurs most often in children and young adults.

Treatment of this type of hair loss includes therapies such as glucocorticoids, topical immunotherapy, anthralin, or biologic-responce modifiers, such as Minoxidil. The choice of treatment depends on your age, as well as the extent of hair loss. Milder cases often see a greater improvement with treatment than severe cases.

In no case does treatment restore full hair in patients with 100% scalp or body hair loss.

Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia in men is what is known as male-pattern baldness -- hair loss that starts at the front of the scalp and recedes backward over time, and hair in the center of the scalp thins and falls out. In women, this instead results in uniform hair thinning.

Women who develop androgenetic alopecia may be suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome.

There are several misconceptions about this type of hair loss, so let's dig into them more closely here:

Myths Vs. Facts
Myth: Hair loss is inherited from your father Fact: Both parents' genes are a factor. Androgenetic aplopecia is genetically-linked hair thinning.
Myth: Female pattern hair loss causes abnormal bleeding. Fact: Menstruation is not affected. Hair loss typically begins between the ages of 12 and 40.
Myth: Extensive hormonal evaluation is required. Fact: Hormonal evaluation is only required if the patient is also experiencing irregular periods, infertility, hirsutism, cystic acne, virilization, or glactorrhea. Androgenetic aplopecia usually doesn't cause menstrual issues or interfere with pregnancy or endocrine function.
Myth: Teasing, using hair color, other products, or frequently washing hair increases hair loss. Fact: Normal hair care doesn't affect hair loss. The only drug approved for promoting hair growth in women is Minoxidil.
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Estrogen and Your Health

Wednesday 10th March 2010

Estrogen and Your Health

What Is Estrogen?: What is estrogen and how does it affect your health? If you're interested in lowering your risk of breast cancer,or if you want to understand how to prevent recurrence after treatment, it's important to understand the role that estrogen, and other hormones, play in your health. Get started by reading about estrogen.

Estrogen Definition and Functions

Estrogen Replacement Therapy or HRT: Low levels of estrogen can be caused by natural, surgical, or chemical menopause, and by estrogen suppression medications. Some side effects of low estrogen may include: hot flashes, headaches, night sweats and vaginal dryness. Some women may be able to take HRT (hormone replacement therapy) to help counteract these effects.

Long-term Use of Estrogen is Safe Within Limits

Estrogen and Breast Cancer: Some kinds of breast cancer are fueled by high amounts of estrogen. That's the reason that estrogen suppression medications are an important part of treatment that prevents recurrence. Here is an overview of the main types of breast cancer: ductal, lobular, inflammatory, and Paget's disease.

For more information visit: Breast Actives
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Monday, March 08, 2010

Contraception - Intrauterine Device (IUD)

Monday 8th March 2010

An IUD is a small, T-shaped contraceptive device made from plastic and copper that fits inside the womb (uterus). It used to be called a coil or a loop.

It is a long-lasting and reversible method of contraception but it is not a barrier method. This means that an IUD cannot stop you getting sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

There are different types and sizes of IUD to suit different women. IUDs need to be fitted by a trained doctor or nurse at your GP surgery, local family planning clinic or sexual health clinic.

They can stay in the womb for five to 10 years depending on the type. If you are 40 or over when you have an IUD fitted, it can be left in until you reach the menopause or until you no longer need contraception.

Most women can have an IUD fitted, including women who have never been pregnant or who are HIV positive. An IUD is usually fitted during your menstrual period. From the moment the IUD is fitted until the time it is taken out, you are protected against pregnancy.

How it works

An IUD stops sperm from reaching the egg. It does this by releasing copper into the body, which changes the make-up of the fluids in the womb and fallopian tubes. These changes prevent sperm from fertilising eggs. IUDs may also stop fertilised eggs from travelling along the fallopian tubes and implanting in the womb.

How effective is an IUD?

An IUD is 9899% effective at preventing pregnancy. Newer models that contain more copper are the most effective (over 99% effective). This means that less than one in every 100 women who use the IUD will get pregnant in a year.

As a long-lasting method of contraception, the IUD is very effective. You do not need to remember to take or use contraception to prevent pregnancy. However, it does not protect you against STIs.

Emergency contraception

The IUD can also be used as a method of emergency contraception up to five days after unprotected sex or up to five days after the earliest time you could have released an egg (ovulation). If you have unprotected sex, make an appointment with your GP or clinic as soon as possible.

Most women can use an IUD, including women who have never been pregnant and those who are HIV positive. Your GP or nurse will ask about your medical history to check if an IUD is the most suitable form of contraception for you.

You should not use an IUD if you have:

  • any untreated sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or pelvic infection,
  • problems with your womb or cervix, or
  • any unexplained bleeding from your vagina, for example between periods or after sex.

Women who have had an ectopic pregnancy or recent abortion, or who have an artificial heart valve, must consult their GP before having an IUD fitted.

You should not be fitted with an IUD if there is a chance you are already pregnant or if you or your partner are at risk of catching STIs.

The IUD is most appropriate for women with one long-term partner, who they are confident does not have any STIs. If you or your partner are unsure, go to your GP or sexual health clinic to be tested for STIs.

Using an IUD after giving birth

An IUD is usually fitted four to six weeks after the birth (vaginal or caesarean). You will need to use alternative contraception from three weeks (21 days) after the birth until the IUD is fitted. In some cases, an IUD can be fitted within 48 hours of giving birth.

An IUD is safe to use when you are breastfeeding and will not affect your milk supply.

Using an IUD after a miscarriage or abortion

An IUD can be fitted after an abortion or miscarriage by an experienced doctor or nurse, as long as you were pregnant for less than 24 weeks. If you were pregnant for more than 24 weeks, you may have to wait a few weeks before having an IUD fitted.

Advantages of an IUD

  • Most women can use an IUD, including women who have never been pregnant.
  • Once an IUD is fitted, it is immediately effective at preventing pregnancy and will be for up to 10 years or until it is removed.
  • It does not interrupt sex.
  • It can be used if you are breastfeeding.
  • Your normal fertility returns as soon as the IUD is taken out.
  • It is not affected by other medicines.

There is no evidence that IUDs affect body weight or that having an IUD fitted will increase the risk of cancer of the cervix, endometrium (lining of the womb) or ovaries. Some women experience changes in mood and libido, but these are very small.

Disadvantages of an IUD

  • Your periods may become heavier, longer or more painful, though this may improve after a few months.
  • You have to have an internal examination to check whether an IUD is suitable for you and another one when it is fitted.
  • An IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), so you may have to use condoms as well. If you get an STI while you have an IUD fitted, it could lead to a pelvic infection if it is not treated.
Sourced from NHS Direct.

Had an IUD fitted? Let us know about your experiences with this form of contraception in the comments section below and help more women to make decisions about the contraceptions they choose.
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Friday, March 05, 2010

Something For The Weekend 23

Friday 5th March 2010

Okay, you've seen the adverts on television promoting this particular product, and if you are anything like me you probably think 'yeah right' because Bio-Oil does sound like one of those beauty miracles that's just too good to be true. Well I can verify that this product is a miracle and it does do exactly what it says on the tin...well in the bottle!

Bio-Oil really is specialist skin care for scars (old and new), stretch marks (new and existing), uneven skin tone (pigmentation and blemishes), ageing skin (both face and body) and replenishes dehydrated skin.

You can also use Bio-Oil in your daily skincare routine; as an intensive moisturiser, soothing after sun treatment or as a bath oil. As little as two drops is enough to cover the whole face and neck area adequately.

I need to stress that Bio-Oil is not an overnight solution, but it does require daily use over a prolonged period of time to produce the best results. It definitely scores a ten out of ten from me.

Website Of The Week


Now, this website is not a health and beauty thing, but it is a way for you to meet new people, chat, share your opinions and get paid for doing it. Lets face it, we all need a bit of extra cash don't we, so why not network, have fun online and earn money while doing it?

Please be aware that you are not going to make a fortune, just some pocket money. You will need a paypal account, but other than that there is nothing stopping you. You will find me on the site too under the pseudonym of Beautyfactor, so if you do sign up don't forget to add me as a friend!

All you have to do is visit this link, make sure you understand all the rules and have fun!

Hope you all enjoy your weekends and I will see you back here again on Monday for more talk on contraception.
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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Eat More Curry...It's Good For You

Wednesday 3rd march 2010

Once hailed as Britain's most popular dish, the curry is much more than a tasty tea time treat. While curry or curry powder is a concoction of a few different spices, one main spiced used in curry is indeed turmeric. This spice is a member of the ginger family and this is what gives the curry dishes that yellowish colour.

Curry is thought to be healthy for a number of reasons, but here are the top two:

1 . Lab tests have proven that turmeric does a great deal to reduce inflammation in the joints which will help people who have arthritis.

2 . Curry can also prevent cancer. Many studies have found that there is a viable link between eating curry and lower incidences of cancer. Again, it is thought that turmeric is responsible for preventing this disease. Containing an active compound, turmeric has been shown to reduce and even prevent the progression of certain types of cancer such as breast cancer,melanoma and prostate cancer.

As well as the benefits above, curry can also help you lose weight. It turns out that the spices used in curry help to speed up your metabolism, but that is only if you keep away from the creamy curries like Korma and eat a more tomato and spice based curry such as a Tikka Masala dish.

So, if you are a mad hungry curry lover you have no need to feel guilty about it anymore because the curry can be a great addition to any balanced, healthy diet.

What I want to know is how hot you can handle your curry? Do you like it mildly spiced, or are you in love with a vindaloo. Let me know!

See you again tomorrow.
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Monday, March 01, 2010

Contraception - Vasectomy

Monday 1st March 2010

The Vasectomy is a simple and straightforward operation that stops sperm entering semen. It is a permanent form of contraception, but as a rule it shouldn't interfere with your sex life because you will still have erections and produce semen.

However, it's clear that a very small number of men do run into trouble after the operation. These include males who have psychological problems such as fear of castration.

Also, there is an uncommon condition called ‘sperm granuloma’, which is a painful little lump occurring in the scrotum as a result of leakage of sperm. If it causes pain, it can be removed surgically or treated with anti-inflammatory pills.

A few men get chronic (long-term) testicular pain after the operation. This is so uncommon that I personally have never seen a case in the UK.

However, in some countries – notably the USA – there has recently been a good deal of publicity about this ‘Post-Vasectomy Pain Syndrome’ (PVPS).

Nevertheless, vasectomy is a popular and routine operation these days, with about 18 per cent of British men having had ‘the snip’.

Provided you have thought it over carefully, any man can choose to be sterilised by having a vasectomy - though doctors are generally unwilling to do the operation on very young males, especially those without children.

Vasectomy is a much simpler procedure than the sterilisation of women and is almost always done on an outpatient basis – in other words, without having to stay in hospital. You can usually go home a couple of hours after the operation.

The actual surgical procedure sounds a bit alarming for most men, but there's usually very little pain and the operation is short.

These days, it's nearly always done under a local anaesthetic.

A few surgeons – mainly in private practice – like to do it while the patient is under a general anaesthetic. (Inevitably, this pushes the cost up quite a lot, because you have to pay for the anaesthetist and all his equipment and drugs.)

Did you know?

The tube that carries sperm to semen is called the vas.

Vasectomy means 'cutting out a piece of vas'.

  • You’ll be lying flat on your back. The surgeon will inject a little local anaesthetic into the skin of your scrotum, and after that you’ll feel no pain.
  • The surgeon makes a small cut in your scrotum. Working through this incision, he finds the slim, spaghetti-like tube that carries sperms upwards from your testicle. This tube is called the vas.
  • The surgeon cuts through the vas and then seals off the ends.
  • The surgeon does the same thing to the tube on the other side – and that’s it.
  • With modern techniques, the surgeon may not even need to use stitches. If there are any, they’ll probably be dissolvable.

There are minor variations in the way that different surgeons perform the operation.

  • The surgeon may do the whole procedure through one incision instead of two.
  • The surgeon may use the much advertised no-scalpel technique. Instead of an incision, the surgeon makes a small ‘puncture’ in the scrotum, and then inserts a slim instrument through it. Some private clinics now have a lot of experience with this technique.

Whatever the method, it’s generally all over within fifteen minutes.

Most men are just a bit sore and bruised afterwards, but a few develop bleeding, marked swelling or an infection (symptoms: pain and a temperature). If any of these things happen, contact a doctor.

Heavy bleeding is uncommon, but if it happens it could put you off work for several weeks.

You should wear an athletic support (a jock strap) for a week or so after the vasectomy to ease the discomfort. Getting into a warm bath is also very soothing.

Do not attempt any strenuous physical activity for at least a month after the op. Lifting a heavy weight could make a stitch slip and so cause bleeding, but this is uncommon.

After the operation, you will still have some sperm left in the tubes that lead to the penis. This means that you must use another contraceptive method for the time being.

About two to three months after your surgery, you'll need to have a semen test to see if all the sperm have gone. Many surgeons like to make really sure by doing two tests.

Once you have been reassured that no sperm can be seen in your ejaculate - under a microscope - then you can rely on your vasectomy without using any back-up contraception.

But there is still a tiny failure rate. Occasionally, men who have had vasectomies find they have sired a child. This is because the tubing has joined up again.

If you would like to know more about Vasectomy then please feel free to ask your questions in the comment box provided.

Source : Dr David Delvin for netdoctor

Image: djcodrin /

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Friday, February 26, 2010

Something For The Weekend 22

Friday 26th February 2010

If you want to be right on trend this season without having to spend a fortune why not try this amazing Barry M Lip Paint in orange. Yes, I said orange, because believe it or not, orange is the hottest lip colour to brighten up your lips at the moment.

Barry M Lip Paint is known for it's soft creamy texture and is packed full of moisturisers which help it stay on for longer. So if you want to celebrate the arrival of spring in style do it with luscious lips.

Website Of The Week

Here is a great little website that I have been itching to tell you about for a while now. It's name? Fragrance Direct it's business? Designer fragrances with a discount. Not only is this site an excellent place to find a nice smelling bargain but it is user friendly and they even have a monthly prize draw in which you could win a bottle of their 'fragrance of the month'. Good eh?

Not only do Fragrance Direct supply you with designer fragrances they also stock top branded men's aftershaves, hair products, cosmetics and more. Well worth a visit in my opinion!

And so another week draws to a close here at The Beauty Factor. Thanks to everyone who has stopped by. I will be back with you on Monday morning so don't forget to drop by and say hello.
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Can You Ever Eat Too Much Protein?

Wednesday 24th February 2010

Everywhere I turn it seems more and more people are ditching a good balanced diet and replacing it with one that is low in carbs and high in protein.

While there are advantages to consuming protein, such as a decreased sense of feeling hungry and the stabilising of blood sugar levels, eating too much protein can have a negative effect on the body. In this blog post we are going to find out exactly what eating excessive amounts of protein is doing to your body and exactly how much protein you should be eating.

Surprisingly the average non vegetarian person consumes a diet which exceeds the RDA (recommended daily amount) of protein. This is particularly true for athletes, body builders and weight lifters who often consume up to five times the RDA of protein.

According to recent studies there are consequences to eating too much protein, and when I say too much, I mean more than 25% above the RDA.

Firstly there is an increased stress on the kidneys. The kidneys are responsible for filtering out the proteins we consume and it has been suggested that those who already have a mild kidney problem, could have that problem inflated if they were following a high protein diet. Another thing to remember is that a high protein diet can also lead to dehydration, so if you are following a high protein diet plan, remember to help your kidneys by drinking lots and lots of water.

Studies have also shown that older women who eat large amount of protein tend to have a higher rate of bone density loss than those who don't. This happens because too much protein results in the excess amino acids being converted into organic acids. When the body processes these organic acids it does so by pushing out calcium into the urine, the calcium that is needed to maintain good bone health.

Consuming levels of protein beyond a certain amount probably won't give you any additional benefit unless your aim is to build large muscles via bodybuilding and weight training.

To calculate a suggested daily intake of protein for yourself all you have to do is grab a calculator input your body weight (in pounds) and multiply that by 0.37. To promote overall better health and reduce your risk of disease and illness, decrease the amount of protein you get from animal sources and add more vegetable sources of protein such as beans, lentils, and nuts. This is also a good general recipe for better health and longevity.

Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to visit The Beauty Factor again soon!

Image: Suat Eman /

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Contraception - Diaphragms And Caps

Monday 22nd February 2010

Continuing with our short series about contraception today we are going to talk about Diaphragms and cervical caps.

Diaphragms and caps are barrier methods of contraception. They fit inside your vagina and prevent sperm from passing into the entrance of your womb (the cervix).

Diaphragms are soft domes made of latex or silicone. Caps are smaller and are also made of latex or silicone.

To be effective, diaphragms and caps need to be used in combination with spermicide, a chemical that kills sperm.

How effective are diaphragms and caps?

If used correctly and in combination with spermicide, diaphragms and caps are estimated to be 92-96% effective in preventing pregnancy.

There are other more effective contraceptives available, such as the oral contraceptive pill. Some women prefer to use diaphragms or caps because they do not like taking the pill. Others cannot take the pill for health reasons.

Diaphragms and caps only provide limited protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV.

Most women are able to use diaphragms and caps. However, there are some situations and circumstances where they may not be suitable for you. These are listed below.

  • If you have an unusually shaped or positioned cervix.
  • If you have weakened vaginal muscles (possibly as a result of giving birth) that cannot hold a diaphragm or cap in place. However, most women find that if they cannot hold a diaphragm in place, they are able to hold a cap.
  • If you have a sensitivity or an allergy to latex, or the chemicals contained in spermicide.
  • If you have ever had the rare condition known as toxic shock syndrome (a life-threatening bacterial infection).
  • If you have had repeated bouts of urinary tract
    infections (an infection of the urinary system such as the urethra, bladder or kidneys).
  • If you currently have a vaginal infection. You should wait until your infection clears before using a diaphragm or cap.
  • If you are sexually active with multiple partners, which increases the risk of you catching a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

How To Use A Diaphragm or Cap

A diaphragm looks like a small shower cap with a brim. It is flexible so it fits into your vagina easily.

Before you use a diaphragm, you should first cover the sides of it with a small amount of spermicide. This will stop any sperm 'leaking' round the edges of the diaphragm.

Wash your hands and then place the diaphragm high up into your vagina so your cervix is completely covered.

A cap looks like the tip of a male condom, with a thick rim that allows it to stay in place. You should fill one-third of the cap with spermicide, but do not put any on the rim as this could make it difficult for the cap to stay in place. You should then wash your hands.

The cap should fit neatly over your cervix and stays in place through suction. As with the diaphragm, always check that your cervix is completely covered.

Some types of cap require you to put some extra spermicide on them once they are inside your vagina. If you are unsure about whether this applies to your type of cap, speak to your pharmacist or GP.

If the diaphragm or cap is fitted correctly, you or your partner should not be able to feel it during sexual intercourse.

When should I insert a diaphragm or cap?

You can insert the diaphragm or cap up to three hours before you have sex. After this time you will need to take it out and put some more spermicide on it.

You will need to leave your diaphragm or cap in for at least six hours after having sex.

You should not leave a diaphragm or cap in for more than 30 hours as this could cause an infection.

You should avoid having a bath in the six hours after sex as the water could dislodge the diaphragm or cap and wash away the spermicide. Showers are recommended instead.

How do I remove a diaphragm or cap?

The diaphragm or cap can be easily removed by hooking your finger under its rim and pulling it out. Wash it with warm water and mild unperformed soap. Rinse it thoroughly and then leave it to dry.

You will be given a small container that looks much like a make-up compact that you can use to store your diaphragm or cap between uses.

Never boil a diaphragm or cap. You should also not use disinfectant, detergent, or talcum powder to keep it clean, as this could damage it. Check your diaphragm or cap for any signs of damage before you use it.

Most women can use the same diaphragm or cap for a year before they need to replace it. You may need to get a different size diaphragm or cap if you gain or lose more than 3kg (7lb) in weight, or if you have a baby, miscarriage or abortion.

Do not use a diaphragm or cap if you are having your period, as using one during this time has been linked with toxic shock syndrome (TSS) - a potentially fatal bacterial infection.

Diaphragms and caps are an effective contraception. However there are better forms of contraception that are out there for you to use and that is one reason why they are far less popular then the contraceptive pill or condoms.

If you have any questions relating to this or any other or my contraception posts, please feel free to ask in the comments box below. You can remain anonymous and all questions will be answered as soon as possible.

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