Friday, October 30, 2009

Something For The Weekend 7

Friday 30th October 2009

This fabulous Aches and Pains ointment is a natural handmade balm that is beneficial to use on everyday aches and pains.

This all natural Aches and Pains Balm is a blend of organic Beeswax and Olive Oil that has been infused with deep trauma herbals.

This wonderful balm contains Comfrey Leaf, Kawakawa and Willow Bark.

Comfrey Leaf (knit-bone) supports bone unions, achy old fractures and bruised bones.

Kawakawa supports neuralgic pain like sciatica, jaw and tooth aches.

Willow Bark helps with rheumatic pains and stiff joints.


  • Muscle Aches and Pains
  • Stiff Neck
  • Bruised Soft Tissue
  • Haematoma
  • Bruised Bones
  • Fractures
  • Arthritis
  • Neuralgia
  • Achy Old Injuries
  • Sprains and Strains
  • Perfect Massage Wax


  • Olive Oil
  • Beeswax
  • Tincture of Bellis Perennis
  • Tincture of Nettle
  • Tincture of Arnica
  • Tincture of Comfrey Leaf
  • Tincture of Kawakawa
  • Tincture of Willow Bark
  • Rose Light Essence
So, if you have been working hard, have cold symptoms, sprains or reoccurring aches, then this product is just perfect for you.

Website of The Week

If you are looking to buy someone a gift that is a little more unusual or different, then this website has some really unique gift ideas for everybody and for every occasion.

From weddings to births, food hampers to jewellery this site truly has some fantastic gifts for all, and not just for Christmas.

That's all for this week.

Have a good weekend and Happy Halloween!

See you again on Monday.
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Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Swine Flu Vaccine

Thursday 29th October 2009

The very first Swine Flu vaccinations began in the UK this week with those considered to be at high risk receiving the vaccines first.

There has been a lot of controversy over the immunisation drugs, so here is what I have managed to find out about the vaccination, who is considered as high risk, and how effective the vaccine is.

The vaccine is being given to seriously ill hospital patients and health care staff. Other at-risk groups, such as pregnant women and those with weakened immune systems, will be invited to have the vaccine from next week.

If you have any questions about the swine flu vaccine or about receiving the vaccination, please read this page carefully.

This page explains who will get the swine flu vaccine and why, the vaccination programme, effectiveness of the vaccine, and safety issues.

Who will get the vaccine?

The groups of people who are most vulnerable to serious illness from swine flu will be offered the vaccine first. In order of priority, these are:

  • People aged between six months and 65 years in the seasonal flu vaccine at-risk groups (listed below).
  • All pregnant women.
  • People who live with someone whose immune system is compromised (for example, people with cancer or HIV/AIDS).
  • People aged 65 and over in the seasonal flu vaccine at-risk groups.

Front line health and social care workers will also be offered the vaccine at the same time as the first clinical at-risk groups. Health and social care workers both have an increased risk of catching swine flu and of spreading it to other at-risk patients.

The seasonal flu vaccine at-risk groups are people with:

  • Chronic lung disease, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis and cystic fibrosis. Also included are people with severe asthma who need to continuously or repeatedly use their inhaler or take steroid medication, or who have been admitted to hospital because of their asthma.
  • Chronic heart disease, including heart failure, congenital heart disease, and heart disease caused by high blood pressure.
  • Chronic kidney disease, such as kidney failure and people who have had a kidney transplant.
  • Chronic liver disease, such as cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis.
  • Chronic neurological disease, such as stroke, Parkinson's disease, cerebral palsy, motor neurone disease or multiple sclerosis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Immunosuppression (a suppressed immune system), due to disease or treatment. This includes people who have a damaged or no spleen, people having chemotherapy or other immunosuppressant treatment, and those on high doses of steroid medication.

Healthy people aged over 65 are not a swine flu priority group as they appear to have some natural immunity to the swine flu virus. Surveillance has shown fewer swine flu cases in people over 65 than in younger people.

While children are disproportionately affected by swine flu, the majority make a full recovery. Therefore the experts do not advise that children (other than those in at-risk groups) should be vaccinated initially.

Babies under six months cannot be vaccinated because the flu vaccines do not produce enough of an immune response in them to provide protection.

Pregnant women, however, are a priority group as they are more vulnerable to complications following swine flu infection (see Advice for pregnant women).

If you are in a priority group for the swine flu vaccine, you will be contacted by your local NHS.

What about the rest of the population?

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has advised that the use of the vaccine in the wider healthy population should depend on how the pandemic evolves and on emerging clinical data on the use of the vaccine.

Enough vaccine has been ordered for the whole population, and its use will be kept under review.

The vaccination programme

The vaccination programme has now begun.

The vaccine will be delivered in phases as stocks become available, with high-priority groups getting the vaccine first.

The government hopes that most of the priority groups will be offered the vaccine by December.

Approximately 50 million double doses of the vaccine are expected by December, with more following after that.

Enough needles and syringes to mix and administer the vaccine will be provided to primary care trusts free of charge. Stocks will be delivered to PCTs, for onward distribution to GPs, before the vaccine arrives.

Vaccination is not compulsory. As with any vaccination, everyone has a right to refuse it.

The swine flu vaccine can be given at the same time as other vaccines, including the seasonal flu jab. If you are normally advised to have the seasonal flu vaccine each winter, you need to continue to receive this every year to ensure that you are protected against most of the flu strains in circulation.


The following vaccination schedule is recommended in the UK:


  • For children aged from six months to nine years:
    - two half doses (0.25ml each) given with a
    minimum of three weeks between doses.
  • For individuals aged 10-59:
    - one dose (0.5ml) given.
  • For individuals aged 60 years and over:
    - one dose given (this advice will be reviewed
    when more data become available).
  • For individuals aged 10 years and over with weakened immune systems:
    - two doses (0.5ml each) given
    with a minimum of three weeks between


  • For children aged from six months and adults:
    - two doses (0.5ml each) given with a
    minimum of three weeks between doses.

This dosage schedule is based on advice given by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, following consideration of clinical data available on the vaccines. The dosage and recommendations will be kept under review as more clinical data become available.

Effectiveness of the vaccine

Seasonal flu vaccines give around 70-80% protection against infection with flu virus strains. Because the swine flu vaccines are an exact match to the swine flu strain that is currently circulating, they should give at least this amount of protection.

The government will be able to to measure the effectiveness of the swine flu vaccines once they are in use against swine flu.

The swine flu prototype vaccines have been clinically tested and shown to produce good immune system responses, and have an acceptable safety profile. The insertion of the H1N1 strain into the vaccine should not substantially affect the safety of the vaccine in the same way that annual modifications to the seasonal flu vaccine do not (see About the seasonal flu vaccine).

The swine flu vaccine should provide protection against the pandemic strain of swine flu for several years following vaccination. As well as offering protection against the serious effects of swine flu, it may also help to reduce the spread of the infection.

Safety issues

The government takes decisions about introducing a new vaccine very seriously. Vaccines would not be licensed if they were considered unsafe.

Similar flu vaccines containing a different flu virus strain (H5N1) have been clinically tested and the trials showed that these vaccines are safe and produce enough antibodies to provide protection.

Experience with seasonal flu vaccines has shown that changing the strain of virus in a vaccine does not substantially affect the safety profile of the vaccines.

But, as with any new vaccine, some very rare side effects cannot be identified or excluded until the swine flu vaccines are used in much larger numbers of people in the general population.

Outcomes of trials to date suggest that pandemic vaccines are as safe as seasonal flu vaccines.

Pregnant women

There is no evidence that inactivated vaccines, such as the swine flu vaccine, will cause any harm to pregnant women or their unborn baby. Every year, the seasonal flu vaccine is given to pregnant women who are at risk of seasonal flu.

The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines Agency has given a clear recommendation that the GlaxoSmithKline vaccine Pandemrix can be given safely to all pregnant women.

If you have any more questions about the vaccinations that are on offer in the UK then don't hesitate to get in touch with your local health centre or call NHS direct.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Look Forward

Tuesday 27th October 2009

Its guest blogger time again, and here we have a wonderful article written by Robin Wright, author of . I hope it helps you!

There can be times in our lives we look back and think about missed opportunities. I know I can think of countless times when I said to myself, "I should have.....", "Why didn't I go...." or Why didn't I say..." We have all heard the old saying that hind sight is 20/20. However, instead of focusing on the past what we should concentrate our energy on the present.

One element to leading a successful life is to focus on today and the future. We have to stop looking backwards and wishing that we can change things. Sometimes we devote a lot of energy beating ourselves up and let regret eat us up on the inside. Yes, there are things that I wish I hadn't said or done. However, I can't take the past back. With that being said, there are things that I can do:

  • I can ask for forgiveness if I have offended or disappointed someone

  • I can forgive others for things that may have offended or disappointed me

  • I can forgive myself for past mistakes or lapses in my judgment

  • Prepare myself for the endless possibilities and opportunities that life presents me

Instead of concentrating on the should da, could da, and would da's, we should keep looking forward. The past should be used as a learning instrument that keeps us from making the same mistakes. Stop looking back! If there is an aspect in our lives that need to be tweaked or changed, then we need to change it. We have to exercise our willpower to make necessary adjustments in our lives. We have to KEEP LOOKING FORWARD!

We will be back again tomorrow with some common cold remedies, some are quite unbelievable!

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Monday, October 26, 2009

What Is Computer Vision Syndrome?

Monday 26th October 2009

Computer Vision Syndrome or CVS is a common complaint for those of us who spend many hours looking at a computer screen.

While the complaint itself is only temporary, it can cause a great deal of discomfort and blurred vision.

The causes of CVS are easy to explain; The tiny muscles around the eye area need regular exercise, and problems arise when the eye is focused in one single place for a prolonged period of time. While your eyes are focused on the computer screen there is also a notable deficiency in blinking which can lead to that dry, irritated and almost lumpy feeling at the end of the day. Studies have suggested that spending just two hours a day in front of a computer screen can have an impact on your eye health.

The most common symptom of CVS is blurred vision. This can occur at any time and can be corrected by simply changing your focus onto another object that is either closer to you, or at a further distance from the computer monitor.

Other symptoms can include tired eyes, dryness and irritation as well as tension headaches.

So how can this be prevented? Well the solution is very simple. regular breaks away from the computer screen are best, but in a work situation, make sure you avert your eyes from the computer screen regularly to help the eye muscles relax a little.

Another thing you can do is alter the brightness of your monitor to filter out the glare, or invest in a screen filter which does the job for you. If you do spend lots of time in front of the computer you need to be keeping your eyes moist. For this you could use some artificial eye drops.

If you do have any concerns about your eyes or feel you are having problems with your vision, it is always best to pay a visit to your local optician. It could be possible that your eye strain has reached a point where you do need to wear glasses.

With more and more of us using computers, eye strain and CVS is becoming an increasing problem particularly with younger people. So take these small and simple steps to prevent CVS before it becomes a problem for you.

See you again tomorrow with another guest blogger post!

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Something For The Weekend 6

Friday 23rd October 2009

Anybody out there that knows me will be able to verify how much I love Aloe Vera products. I have several Aloe plants in my garden and use them to the full for minor burns, skin irritations and to sooth insect bites.

I first discovered this delicious Aloe Vera conditioner almost seven months ago, and I haven't looked back since.

Enhanced with protein and 18 specific amino acids this conditioner protects your hair from the environment and supports and strengthens the hair follicles.

Regular use will help to leave your hair manageable, with bounce and style. Regardless of your hair type, this Aloe Vera conditioner can tame even the most wayward hair, leaving it soft and feeling squeaky clean.

Website of The Week

This weeks top website has to be simply because it is my number one online bookstore which provides excellent value for money with any genre of book that you could possibly think of.

If you take a look for yourself, you will not believe the prices of some of these books. The discounts are huge and compared to other online book stores, you are going to save yourself a lot of money.

So whether you are looking to buy someone a book for Christmas, or one for yourself, be sure to check out bookcloseouts when comparing prices.
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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Why Are You Snoring?

Thursday 22nd October 2009

Snoring can be a bit of a joke complaint, and none of us like to admit that we are snorers, but it has been known to destroy marriages.

When one or both partners are left feeling irritable because of a restless nights sleep, it's hardly surprising that it leads to arguments, ill feelings and harsh words.

When you consider the figures involved, 15 million snorers in the UK plus their partners, that’s half the British nation troubled by snoring! Therefore it’s best to get it checked out.

The good news is that snoring can be cured and – for the most part – using quite conservative measures.

But what is making us snore in the first place?

The main triggers for snoring are being overweight, smoking, and drinking too much alcohol. Because of this, it’s mainly men aged 50-59 who snore. Another reason is that men tend to put on weight around the neck area, unlike women, and it’s this fatty tissue that pre-disposes to snoring because it squeezes the airway closed.

Snoring can also be triggered by allergies. It’s the sort of thing we don’t readily think about, but allergies to everything from feather pillows to house dust mites, pet hair and even household cleaning products can cause snoring. People wouldn’t equate bleach with a snoring problem, but if you have allergies to these sort of things, it will cause the lining of the nose and throat to swell. This in its turn will prevent you from breathing properly, which will give rise to a snoring problem.

Before you can look for a snore cure, experts say you have to identify type of snore you have first. According to Marianne Davey from the British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association, there are three different types.

Physiologically, the noise that you hear as a snore is due to some sort of structure within the mouth, nose, throat area vibrating. So you’ve got to really find out what structure is vibrating so you can treat it properly,' she says.

'It could either be a tongue, it could be the uvula – which is the flappy bit at the back of the throat – or it could be some sort of blockage within the nose area.'

The tongue flaps around because it literally blocks off the airway so the air can’t get through, Marianne explains. The air then tries to force its way past the tongue. 'In doing so, it will vibrate it up and down, and so we hear the noise of snoring.'

Uvula-based snoring usually occurs when a person is breathing with their mouth open. The air will hit the back of the throat and vibrate the uvula.

'And if you’ve got a blockage in your nasal airway, then all those vibrations within the nasal passages are going to vibrate,' says Marianne.

Snoring Solutions

Dr Hugh Bethell, a GP from Aldermaston, says the first stage is to get the patient to lose weight and stop smoking. 'And of course, reduce their alcohol intake, particularly late in the evening.' Too much alcohol disturbs and alters the pattern of sleep, and people who drink too much tend to sleep on their back – another cause of snoring.

'If you get them to lie on their sides, that’s helpful, and there’s all sorts of home remedies for doing that – tennis ball in the back of the pyjama jacket. That’s pretty effective!' he says.

It’s also vital to make sure you have the appropriate remedy. The only treatment for tongue-based snoring is a mandibular advancement device, says Marianne. This is a small plastic splint worn in the mouth at night and looks a bit like orthodontic braces.

Open mouth snoring can use 'chin up strips' which stop the mouth from dropping open and for those with nasal stuffiness, nasal dilators and sprays can help.

CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) is another option. This treatment for sleep apnoea can also be effective for snorers.

'Finally there’s surgery,' says Dr Bethell. 'There are various things that can be done, but they basically try and widen the nasal pharynx and remove the uvula.' However, he adds that it’s 'fairly unpleasant'.

Many experts agree that surgery is a last resort only. There is a place for surgery, but you have to be absolutely certain that you’ve tried everything else first and that there’s a good chance it’s going to work for you. The only way you’ll know that is to have an overnight sleep study. Also, ask the surgeon why he is recommending surgery, what his success rate is, and what he deems a success.

People can also get referred to a sleep centre by their GP, says Dr Bethell. There, a person is connected to non-painful physiological sensors, such as scalp, facial and chest electrodes, to study various aspects like sleeping pattern, levels of oxygen in the blood and brainwaves.

If you are having serious snoring issues then it is best to get it sorted out. In some cases, if left un-addressed, it can develop into sleep apnoea, which requires medical treatment. New research also suggests snoring may have a link to chronic headaches.

While many people will go to their GP, self-diagnosis is simple. The association has an information pack (scroll down to the bottom half of the page) that explains the tests a person can do in front of the mirror. But for those with multi-factoral snoring, where snoring might be originating from different areas, it’s probably best to see a GP.

While there are no quick fixes for changing your snoring habits, they can be improved and resolved, it just takes time.

Credits: Photograph from

That's all for today, see you again tomorrow for another amazing product post
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How To Perform A Breast Self Examination

Wednesday 21st October 2009

Although doctors recommend that women begin practicing breast self-exams (BSE) at age 20, many are still unaware of how important this procedure is to their heath. As 1 in 9 women will develop breast cancer, early detection is the best way to fight the disease. The key is to notice tumors before they grow to be potentially deadly; a BSE carefully searches the breasts for signs of these tumors.

A special advisory group of doctors created standard procedures for a BSE to assist women in becoming 'breast aware.' This awareness refers to knowing your normal breast fully, and being more likely to notice a change that could be cancerous. Naturally, the breasts will change overtime, and regular self-examinations can help decide what is normal and what is a concern.

While there is no definition for a normal breast, you should know the symptoms that a BSE searches for.
  • A lump or bumpy area in the breast or armpit
  • A noticeable change in outline or shape of the breast
  • A non-milky nipple discharge, or an inverted nipple
  • A dimpling, scaling or discolouration of the skin around the breast
A breast self-exam is recommended every month a few days after your period ends. By searching improperly, you may miss a tumor! Not every cancer can be located in this way, but a BSE is a critical step for becoming 'breast aware.' The earlier you begin regular exams, abnormalities will be less difficult to discover. For women who find tumors in their early stages, 80% will survive.

First, examine your breasts in a mirror with the arms both lowered and raised; search for the visible symptoms described above. Next, feel your breasts while lying down. Using a firm and smooth touch cover the entire breast from the collarbone to the top of the abdomen, and from the armpit to cleavage. Breasts often have different zones where tumors can occur sure to examine them all.

If you find a lump or one of the other named symptoms, consult your GP as soon as possible. Remember, early discovery is the best way to combat breast cancer.

In this video Dr Chris shows you how to check your breasts for any possible signs of growths or other symptoms.

Be aware that this video does contain scene of partial nudity for educational purposes.

Credits: Photograph courtesy of
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Reduce Sun Damage With Healthy Eating

Tuesday 20th October 2009

A few adjustments to your diet may be all that's needed to achieve healthy, damage-free skin.

Beta Caroteneand Vitamin A, found in fresh produce such as carrots and sweet potatoes, have long been known to contain antioxidants that are essential for healthy skin.

However, it has now been discovered that these precious antioxidants will not only improve the health of your skin but can also slow down the ageing process and damage caused by over-exposure to UV Rays such as wrinkles, sun spots, dry, parched looking skin, and possibly even skin cancer.

So you ask, what is Beta Carotene and how does it work to improve my skin's condition?

There is much to be said for Beta Carotene as it is the most prolifically researched of all the carotenoids. However, simply putting it, carotenoids are responsible for the colouring of fruits and vegetables. Fruits or vegetables rich in Beta Carotene are usually of the yellow and orange variety.

Beta Carotene, is one of 50 carotenoids that is known to be a Vitamin A compound. This means that the carotene can be converted into Vitamin A, also known as retinol, whenever the body needs it. Hence, by consuming food sources of Beta Carotene, the body is receiving both the benefits of Beta carotene, and the benefits of Vitamin A.

The benefits of Vitamin A and Beta Carotene

Beta Carotene is a very powerful antioxidant, scanning the body for free radicals, and neutralizing them before they can damage cells. It also improves communication between cells, preventing cancerous cells from forming.

Vitamin A is known to moisturise the skin, fight harmful bacteria and calm inflammations.

Foods Rich in Vitamin A and Beta Carotene


sweet potato
leafy vegetables
collard greens
cantaloupe melon

This article was writen by Lorynne Heynes from - Thank you again Lorynne for sharing your insight!

Credit also has to be given for the wonderful photograph, provided by
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Monday, October 19, 2009

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

Monday 19th October 2009

When we think of someone having high blood pressure, we usually consider them to be anxious, tense or hyperactive.

The truth is that high blood pressure, or hypertension, can affect just about anybody and you don't need to have high stress levels to have this medical condition.

So what does cause high blood pressure? In most cases scientists cannot be sure what causes it. Initially it causes no obvious symptoms but can produce some serious and long term complications. Many people can have high blood pressure and not even know it, but more alarmingly, they are more prone to complications such as heart disease and heart attacks, strokes, and kidney failure.

Blood pressure does have a tendency to rise with age, however certain pre existing medical conditions can cause hypertension. Chronic kidney disease, sleep apnea and thyroid disease can all cause a rise in blood pressure as can some asthma medications, cold relief products and the contraceptive pill.

I have already stated that most people will not even know they have high blood pressure, but there are a few symptoms that you can watch out for:

- Persistent / frequent headaches
- Nausea
- Vomiting (very rare)
- Dizziness, becoming lightheaded and suffering with Vertigo
- Blurred vision
- Nosebleeds
- Palpitations
-Shortness of breath

Even though there is no one direct cause of high blood pressure, a few other factors can determine whether or not you are more prone to the condition.

If you have a family history of high blood pressure, you are overweight, rarely exercise, consume more than the RDA of alcohol, have a high salt intake or have a high fat diet, then you are more likely to suffer with hypertension.

Studies at the Tulane Center For Cardiovascular Health (USA) have also shown that those who were born with a low birth weight are likely to develop the condition as they get older.

The good news is that the condition can be medicated, but with a few simple lifestyle changes, high blood pressure can even be prevented.

Just remember that prevention is better than cure, particularly if you find you have a family history of the condition so start looking after yourself today for a better you!

On that note I'm going to leave it there.

We will be back tomorrow morning with another guest blogger post.

See you then!
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Friday, October 16, 2009

Something For The Weekend 5

Friday 16th October 2009

If you are an adult and suffering with acne, then this product is right up your street.

Developed with you in mind, this Clear And Smooth Acne Treatment comes in a large 16oz bottle and is made specifically to treat adult acne. At the moment it comes with a freebie, so don't pass this one up.

It works much the same as any other acne facial scrub, but promises not to leave your skin feeling dry and tight. Use it for just one week and you will start to see a difference ; new blemishes will simply not appear and the old ones will start to fade away.

This brilliant Acne Treatment is not tested on animals, nor does it use any ingredients that are derived from animals.

Priced at just $19.00 this is our must try product of the week.

Website Of The Week

Now, we all know about how we should be keeping active to be physically fit and healthy, but have you ever thought about putting your brain into training?

Scientific Brain Training from Lumosity is a fabulous way to get a mental work out. Improve your reaction times, your long and short term memory and improve your levels of concentration with some fun exercises.

A full workout only takes ten minutes, but to see what else brain training could do for you just visit the Brain Training website where new visitors can open a free account and start their brain training sessions straight away.

So, if you find yourself at a loose end this weekend, why not make good use of your time and reclaim your brain!

Have a good weekend, see you Monday!
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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Want To Lose Weight? Eat a Bigger Breakfast.

Thursday 15th October 2009

When I first heard about this weight loss method I was far from convinced. After all when you think about losing weight, you automatically associate diet with eating less not more.

If you have ever tried to diet before you will know about the food cravings and those feelings of constant hunger that always make you reach for the biscuit tin, but the theory behind eating a bigger breakfast will put an end to all of that.

I have tried this myself with great success so I can put my hand on my heart and honestly say that this does works.

Try to consume around 500 to 700 calories for breakfast every morning, but do it healthily, this is not an excuse to open that bacon packet or grab a couple of sausages! A good breakfast that fits into this calorie count will consist of a bowl of cereal, two slices of toast with a thin spreading of your favorite jam, a yogurt and a glass of fresh orange juice.

Eating this much for breakfast will stop your mid morning hunger pangs and sweet cravings, carrying you through until lunchtime and giving you more energy in the afternoons when you most need it.

If you think about it, eating a bigger breakfast really makes sense. Consuming more calories in the morning gives you more time to burn them off during the day, rather than saving them up for your evening meal before you go to bed where any unused carbohydrates turn into sugar.

So if you are like the many millions of people out there (me included) trying to lose some excess weight, then try eating a bigger breakfast and see your healthy eating plan can become much more appealing.

Credits : Photo from Salburciaga @
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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

6 Ways To Lower Your Cholesterol

Wednesday 14th October 2009

Your doctor has told you that you have hypercholesterolemia (that's high cholesterol to you and me) and your doctor has probably told you that you need a complete change of lifesytle in order to control your condition.

Having a high cholesterol level puts you at risk of developing cardiovascular disease and even if you have been prescribed cholesterol medication to bring you levels down, you still need to help yourself by making sensible food and general healthy lifestyle choices.

Here we look at six things you can do today to help lower your cholesterol.

- Portion control. One food portion is usually what would fit into your hand. One serving of fresh fruit is about the size of your fist and cooked vegetables, rice and pasta should fit into your cupped hand. The next time you are preparing your meals or serving your food, be aware of how much you are actually allowing yourself to eat.

- Load your plate with fruits and vegetables. This will have two benefits, it will take away more of the fat element on your plate as you replace meats and potatoes with vegetables, and also fill your plate with antioxidants.>br>

- Eat From The Sea. A heart healthy diet has to include at least two portions of fish per week on the menu. Low in saturated fats and high in essential Omega-3 fatty acids opt for fish such as tuna, trout, sardines and salmon. Whatever you do, don't be tempted to put your fish in the deep fryer, this will only counter act the health benefits.

- Go nuts! Replace your regular snacks with a small portion of nuts. Nuts help lower cholesterol and studies have shown those who eat a small amount of nuts every day significantly reduced their risk of heart disease. Do remember to eat only a small amount as nuts are high in calories.

-Move more. Thirty minutes of exercise every day, five days per week can help to lower your cholesterol levels, but don't let this be your limit. The more exercise you do the better. If thirty minutes is too much, you can break it down into smaller ten minute sessions.

- Be a loser. Losing weight is the best thing you can do to control your situation. Being overweight affects the lining of your arteries making them prone to collecting cholesterol plaque. Aim to keep you BMI (body mass index) to under 25. If you are not sure how to calculate your BMI, you can find a great little calculator by visiting a previous post here.

I hope you found this useful. See you again tomorrow with a great weight loss post!
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Negative Impact Of Soy On Estrogen Production

Tuesday 13th October 2009

In the last few years, soy has become a very popular food additive / alternative. There have been some questionable marketing ploys that range from misleading to outright lies.

We all know that high levels of estrogen in your system increases the storage of body fat as well as increases the subcutaneous water retention, so the soy you are eating to lose fat is actually making you fatter!

The soy isoflavone genistein and daidzein are similar to 17-beta estradiols and are weak estrogens.

Although these isoflavones are weak estrogens, people who eat a lot of it can have their blood level of isoflavones as much as 10,000 times greater than those who do not consume soy.

Over time, high concentrations of isoflavones in the body can have a signinficant cumulative estrogenic and toxic effect especially when they are exposed to organs that have sensitive estrogen receptors such as the breast, uterus, and thyroid.

Consuming too much soy can not only cause adverse fat storage and additional water retention making you look fat, but also causes decreased thyroid production.

Here is another article written by an MD that also talks about the negative effects of soy.

Please feel free to visit our health and fitness forums to discuss any health and fitness questions.

Written By guest blogger Curtis McCoy, President and
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Friday, October 09, 2009

Something For The Weekend 4

Friday 9th October 2009

This week we are carrying on the trend of bringing you some amazingly priced products that everyone must have.

Today we are recommending the fantastic 'It Works' Balm - 65g from The Health Store.

'It Works' is a fabulous natural homemade ointment that alleviates the discomfort of herpes, cold sores, chicken pox, shingles and more.

'It Works' Balm contains anti-viral extracts that soothe and support sensitive herpes ailments.

The native Kawakawa and St Johns Wort is used for the neuralgic pain that comes with this condition. Harakeke root and Koromiko works on the inflammation and sores while Calendula encourages healthy cellular growth.

Use it for itches, shingles, cold sores, neuralgia, genital herpes and chicken pox.

With it's soothing and nourishing ingredients, Olive Oil, Beeswax, (to name two) this product has a 2 year shelf life and can be used on all of the family.

Website Of The Week

If you are looking for friendship, fun, flirting or something more serious, then why not visit the Singles Network Website and create your FREE account today.

With a global database of singles, this network has to be one of the worlds largest dating sites. With lots of great features to help you find that special someone.

That's all from me this week.

Have a great weekend and I will see you again on Monday for some more health and beauty fun!

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Thursday, October 08, 2009

Diet Review :

Thursday 8th October 2009

The premier online diet, fitness, and healthy living destination. offers customizable popular diet and fitness plans that feature innovative motivational and support tools. By offering a wide variety of diet plans, has something for everyone

The results are in, and the critics agree that is the best! In addition to earning Forbes magazine's Best of the Web award for the diet & nutrition category in both 2004 and 2005, also won PC Magazine's Editor's Choice award in 2004 and 2005. More recently,'s meal delivery service, Deliciously Yours, was acknowledged by the premier award-winning food website,, as the best meal delivery service.

Judged on flavor, nutrition, portion size, convenience, variety, and customer service & support tools, Deliciously Yours earned 3 out of 4 stars and blew the competition away! features the Weight Loss Plan, the Glycemic Impact Diet, the New Mediterranean Diet, and many more. Also offering 11 different Healthy Living programs for those with special needs, including the Living with Diabetes Plan, and the Heart Smart Plan.

Since 1997, has offered over 2 million members professional diet and fitness advice, information, services and products to help improve the overall health and longevity of its members.

All in all, this diet programme has lots to offer it's customers. Unlike many exisitng diet regimes is not a 'one plan suits all' service.

We give the plan a whopping 9/10.

Bring Your Sexy Back with eDiets!
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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

5 Home Made Face Masks To Revive Winter Skin.

Wednesday 7th October 2009

The winter is fast approaching, and as the climate changes, so does our skin.

Colder weather can have a real damaging and drying effect on our skin, particularly on the more exposed areas such as the hands and face.

I have managed to put together these top face masks that you can make at home, right now.

1. Avocado Mask.
Mash a whole avocado roughly with a fork and add a dash of olive oil. Apply the mixture
evenly over your skin and leave for around ten minutes. This will supply your face with some
essential vitamins and minerals to help fight that winter dryness.

2. Natural Yogurt
If you are looking to revive tired skin, then grab a tub of natural yogurt from the refrigerator
and apply a little to your face. Pay particular attention to avoiding the delicate eye area with
this one! Relax for fifteen minutes and rinse well with tepid water.

3. Banana Mask
Perfect for those of us who have combination skin, this banana mask is good enough to eat.
Mix a little mashed banana with some fresh cream and apply to your face. Leave it to set for
thirty minutes. This mask is excellent for smoothing, softening and moisturising the skin,
adding that much needed nourishment for cold, harsh days.

4. Lemon Apple Mask
Oily skin would seriously benefit from this simple concoction. Just put 1 teaspoon of apple juice
and half a teaspoon of lemon juice into a bowl and stir well. Rub the mixture onto your face and
rinse off after twenty minutes.

5. Egg and Honey Mask
A fantastic winter face mask for oily skin, to vastly improve your complexion. Simply beat
one egg and add enough honey to make a paste. Apply this paste evenly over the face and
leave for just ten minutes. Rinse well and pat your face dry.

There are so many wonderful ingredients in our cupboards that we can use for more than just dinner.

Try these wonderful face masks for yourself, or if you have a recipe of your own please feel free to share it with us.

See you again tomorrow!
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Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The Harsh Truth About Sunbeds

Tuesday 6th October 2009.

I know we don't normally post on a Tuesday, but as from today, we are opening Tuesdays up for guest bloggers who wish to participate in the blog.

Our first guest blogger is Lorynne Heynes from

Take it away Lorynne!

The latest scientific findings revealed that using a sun bed is just as likely to cause cancer as smoking.

For some of us this is a harsh pill to swallow, and it's easier to turn an oblivious eye to the facts.

The reality is though, this is an easy habit to give up and we have a vast array of alternatives to give our skin a healthy glow. If you're finding you need further motivation to pull yourself away from the deadly UV rays of the sun bed then read on:

The facts - sun beds:

For those of us who started using sunbeds regularly before the age of 30 -the risk of Melanoma - the most deadly form of skin cancer - goes up 75%.

UV rays from sun beds can be up to 10-15 times higher than that of the midday sun.

Short periods of intense, irregular exposure to UV rays, as happens on a sun bed, is the fastest way to damage your skin: causing cancer premature ageing and eye problems.

Using sunscreen or limiting your time on a sun bed will not protect your skin from damage and ageing.

Failing to use eye protection on a sun bed can lead to eye irritation or conjunctivitis, and even eye cancer.

Facts on Melanoma

Melanoma is more common in women, particularly young women.

In the UK it is the most common cancer in people aged 15–34.

Half of melanomas start as a dark area on normal skin or as an abnormal new mole. The other half develop from a mole or freckle that you already have.

Melanoma can be hard to spot but can usually be cured if it’s found at an early stage.

For more information:

Protecting children from the sun:
Infomation on Melanoma:
Checking your moles:

Thanks to our guest blogger Lorynne Heynes, from for this informative article.

See you tomorrow.

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Monday, October 05, 2009

How To De-Stress Yourself

Monday 6th October 2009

Following last weeks blog post - 5 Signs That You Are Stressed we received a comment from Passionate Blogger who was looking for some help in trying to reduce his stress levels. So I have put together the following to try and help you effectively relieve your stress at home, without any medication. I hope it helps.

When it comes to stress, us humans are our own worst enemy, pre programmed with negative thinking, we can make our stresses an even bigger deal than they actually are.

The simplest ways to keep stress at bay is to exercise, eat a healthy diet, and get regular sleep. This basic strategy is good for the long term, but we need to find something that is going to help right now.

Let us start by doing what the actors do; the silent scream. Your situation may be making you feel like you want to scream, so do it, but silently. Open your mouth wide and force out the air for a few seconds. Feel better now?

Practising deep breathing can be a great stress relief method. You can do it sitting at your desk, laying in bed, or sitting in the park. Just take a little time out, close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Take in a slow deep breath through your nose. Let the air you inhale fill your stomach, feel it expand, and slowly exhale through your mouth.

Think flamingo! Yes it may sound bizarre but standing on one leg (like a flamingo) for a few minutes is like meditation. According to Nirmala Heriza author of Dr. Yoga your brain will be focusing on balancing, and relaxes.

Shake the stress away. Your body will store stress and become tense, so literally shake your body to help it relax. It could even be fun!

Get organised. Mess can cause an immense amount of stress, so take some time out to get yourself in order. Throw away the things that you really don't need, tidy your workspace and write lists. Many people find that they cannot sleep if they are stressed and are too busy thinking about what they need to be doing tomorrow, My advice would be to write lists. Before you go to bed at night, write a list of all the things you need to do the following day, this eliminates the need for you to remember everything.

Look for a distraction. If you are stressed about work take a break, but do something with the time you take out. It's no good sitting down and brooding over your situation. Put it to one side, read a book, a magazine or take a walk. Anything to re focus your mind.

Make an effort to laugh more. Poke fun at your situation, watch something funny on TV or hunt down some clips of your favorite comedian on YouTube.

Music can also be a great help. It has been clinically proven that listening to Motzart can relieve stress.

Get some perspective. Be thankful for what you do have rather than what you do not. Remember there is always someone out there worse off than yourself.

Change your attitude and think positively. What you say to yourself has a huge impact on your life. Use the power of positive words to boost your self confidence and live the life you want to live.

Make time for you. Do something that you like to do, or try a new hobby. If you like soaking in a hot bubbly bath then do it. If you like to go fishing, then go out and do it.

Avoid alcohol and caffeine as they can act as depressants and can make every stressful situation seem a lot worse.

Having suffered from stress and anxiety attacks myself, I know how a small problems can sometimes be blown out of all proportion. I have gotten back my perspective on life using some of the methods above. Sometimes you just have to remember that life is too short, so stop being so hard on yourself, make some positive changes and take control.

See you tomorrow with our very first guest blogger appearance!
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Friday, October 02, 2009

Something For The Weekend 3

Friday 2nd October 2009

Is it just me, or are the weeks flying by?

Well it's already October, and it's Friday so that means that it is time for our product of the week.

Experts say that we need at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep every night, but many of us fail to even get 4 hours of sleep. This can be due to many factors; stress, anxiety, a busy lifestyle, but lack of sleep can really have a negative effect on your overall health and well being.

Oxy Sleep Aid is a natural medication that can help you fall asleep naturally and help to restore your sleeping cycle. This non addictive formula helps to relax you into a good nights sleep without the side affects that prescription medications can have.

Currently offering a limited free trial (you just pay the shipping and handling fees) this really is the time to be trying out Oxy Aid .

Website Of The Week

Ever tried to calculate your own body mass index? Well if you are anything like me you would be terrible at maths and not know how the formula works.

So here I have found a very simple tool which calculates your BMI for you. All you have to do is put in your height and weight and let this nifty little gadget do the sums for you.

Thankfully I came out as 'normal'. Why don't you give it a try and let us know how you got on.

Here's wishing you all a great weekend.

See you on Monday!

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Thursday, October 01, 2009

5 Signs You're Stressed

Thursday 1st October 2009.

Stress seems to have become a common factor in all our lives.

We have never worked such long hours and having to cope with day to day strains; trying to balance our home and work lives while attempting to keep everybody around us happy, is proving a very difficult thing to achieve.

Many of us use stress and lack of time as an excuse, and use the phrase 'I'm stressed' with flippancy. So how do we know when we are truly stressed, what are the signs, and how do we recognise them?

One of the five main symptoms of stress is forgetfulness. With a tired mind you find it very difficult to focus, so doing things like forgetting your best friends birthday or leaving your mobile phone in the fridge may just be a hint!

Having huge carbohydrate cravings is also a common symptom of stress. They can be a signal that you need serotonin, a chemical with mood boosting qualities that you often find in starchy foods.

Are you having small muscle spasms? Anything from a twitch in the eye to a significant pulsation in the leg can indicate stress. These spasms are actually created when your body releases stress hormones.

Sweating? Stress hormones can also make you sweat much more than you usually would.

Simple decisions are difficult to make. If you cannot even decide what to cook for dinner, or even the will to make yourself a nice hot cup of tea. The this is a true sign that you are well and truly stressed.

So now you know the five key stress symptoms, keep an eye out on your friends, family and work colleagues, and of course, for yourself.

See you again tomorrow!
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